no powerband?

jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting it's all jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting jetting

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i know how to ride it ive rode like 10 yrs i think its juat in my carb and im oretty syre its just stock jetting i bought it the way its is
yeah sorry about the typo's but how do i tell the size of the jetting will it say it on the jets?
For the sake of sanity, do a leak down test, a #360 main is way too big.

And by the way stock main is #230.

And how about sticking to one thread, my rodent is complaining about running about through the multitude of posts you are making in numerous threads.
A leakdown test is when you pressurize the top end to six or seven pounds. Then you check to see if your motor will hold the pressure for five minutes. If not you have an air leak. An air leak will cause you to run poorly and spend lots of money. You will never be able to jet your bike properly with an air leak. Any time you make changes to your quad's motor you need to do a leak down test. If you search for information about performing a leakdown test you will see how to do it, possibly how to build one or where to buy one. RUNNING YOU BLASTER WITHOUT DOING ONE WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY HAVE YOU DOING ANOTHER TOP END...........
thank you. and im not sure if won was done when it was jetted because i bought it with the mods on it.
i know how to ride it ive rode like 10 yrs i think its juat in my carb and im oretty syre its just stock jetting i bought it the way its is
what did you ride before the blaster? I had always rode 4 stroke atvs and motorcycles before I got the blaster. You could be shifting too soon. I'm guilty of that as well. Where I would normally shift my car and motorcycle, is where my powerband is kicking in. it took some serious getting used to, and still does as I clearly drive my car more.
thank you. and im not sure if won was done when it was jetted because i bought it with the mods on it.

That's the whole freaking problem, it's just the way you bought it :

ALL WRONG X( X( X( 8-|

I'm damn near 60, don't know jack about computers, but do know how to use The Most Excellent Search Function on Blaster Forum I:I. I know it's the age of entitlement, Me generation, make me puke:o . New guys need to just read a little on here, do some searching, read some more. Educate yourself as to what makes these Blasters tick, they're not much more complicated than a hammer. It's like pulling teeth or re-inventing the wheel.

If a question is asked for information as to your set-up, modifications, jetting, or whatever: answer the questions to the best of your ability, study a Clymers manual or the download manual so you can use the proper terminoligy for the name of the parts.

If a suggestion is made to perform a test, or to check a setting, whatever, PLEASE do it and post your results.

Please stop thread jacking. X(

This is NOT directed only to O P (original poster) but to ALL that use this forum, especially new members.

RANT OFF, I need sleep I:I :D

Just my honest opinion, your results may, and will vary :o

Did I mention? RANT OFF
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Well said, its not ranting. If you ask for help get it and don't listen to it, but keep asking questions about your running problems perhaps you are the problem. Rep given for saying what I have wanted to for two days.
For the sake of sanity, do a leak down test, a #360 main is way too big.

And by the way stock main is #230.

And how about sticking to one thread, my rodent is complaining about running about through the multitude of posts you are making in numerous threads.

then the guy i got mine from was bullshittin me cause he said it was stock and when i opend my carb up it had 250 main, oh well not that big of a deal, thanks for the correction