I just did a full rebuild top and bottom, all seals are good good compression, checked all the obvious stuff. I have searched and done some reading. No air leaks, but I sheared the key way for the flywheel right onfirst start up. I found one that fits but not quite right. 1st or second gear it has no power then you get it intothe rpms andit runs allright, still not right, just lack of power and missing. also when i hit a corner and try towhip it around it almost dies then picks back up. The motor is only bored 1 over stock, and i have dmc pipe and v force delta reeds and cage. other than that stock. oh an no TORS. and no oil injection. i can get it to idle but kinda high, tried adjudting the air screw, and the idle and it works a little bit but doesnt fix the power issue is this related to the key way maybe changed the timing? please help i wanna ride. oh 2005 is the year.