Nice and clean!


New Member
Sep 29, 2010
Mt. Pleasant, PA


Tell me what you guys think?
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Haha my neighbor actually got a pair before me and i liked them alot and i race the blasty. So gotta keep my hands clean. But to tell you the honest truth i dont know what the guy before me used? cause you cant just scrap off or sand that stuff off. it feels like its part of the plastic
Hahahaha, nice elephant ears! :D

Quad looks good. Hey, as long as it runs and is fun to ride, who cares about looks? Now you just need some Works front shocks, maybe a set of hydro front brakes and extended A-arms... you know, the expensive performance stuff... ;)
Haha my neighbor actually got a pair before me and i liked them alot and i race the blasty. So gotta keep my hands clean. But to tell you the honest truth i dont know what the guy before me used? cause you cant just scrap off or sand that stuff off. it feels like its part of the plastic

They look like knee protectors to me. :-/ :D
haha elephant ears and knee protectors lol. but now braptor when are u gonna buy me these expensive parts you speak of? ahahhaha

Haha, hey now... I'll buy stuff for my Blaster bro' just can't break the bank!

So, that being said, anyone want a drink? Perhaps a beer? I'll buy you young 'uns a Coke if you cant drink yet! Hahaha... Maybe a box of condoms? Anybody going after sheeblast or motoman will definately want to bring with them a rubber.... :o Just don't go out and knock somebody up, for your Blaster riding days will likely be numbered from then on! :o:DI:I
looks good bro, what kinda racin you do, cause i see those handgaurds at gncc races, when its muddy < they definately work for that