New toy

Nice, these are a great tool when porting. You can see the littlest change good or bad. I used to hang out/worked at a machine shop where they built a lot of race engines. We used to play with cyl heads that showed the littlest change would give you the biggest gain and a lot of work did nothing. Also a lot of little things added up to a big increase. They learned what and what not to do. One thing they used to see all the time was people bring heads in that looked great and flowed like poop. A few minutes grinding/polishing on the right areas they could show the customer difference, never an unhappy customer. Great Tool!!
I always wanted to make one of those. there used to be plans for them but I don't remember who sold them.
Sweet!!!! That will provide a great bit of info and really let you know what is going on. Can't wait to see it.
Got an experiment for you... a friend of mine from back in the dy, Paul Leary had one and told me he tested airfilters, one dry and one drippingly saturated with oil and said there was actually very little actual difference in flow. Im sure if that is true, having that knowledge would lead to better airfilter oiling and longer engine life around here.
nice purchase Ken !`

Got an experiment for you... a friend of mine from back in the dy, Paul Leary had one and told me he tested airfilters, one dry and one drippingly saturated with oil and said there was actually very little actual difference in flow. Im sure if that is true, having that knowledge would lead to better airfilter oiling and longer engine life around here.

i've seen results of that from somewhere, said you can't add enuf oil to a foam filter to impede flow and effect performance enuf to be measured accurately

i'd like to see some reed cage testing done...stock cage with various petals vs. VF3 vs. Vf4 vs. Rad Valve
Ever try experimenting with a shop vac while using vinyl tube in a bucket of water as a manometer?
I've used this on 4 stroke heads a lot, with a 4" plumbing pipe to simulate the cylinder.
You can use either the vacuum or the blow side, a fixed orifice to regulate flow and measure pressure drop across port being tested with the vinyl tubing. It doesn't give a calibrated number like Ken's will but it is a pretty good comparator for the home hobbyist. It will tell you if you are getting better or worse.

Nice, these are a great tool when porting. You can see the littlest change good or bad. I used to hang out/worked at a machine shop where they built a lot of race engines. We used to play with cyl heads that showed the littlest change would give you the biggest gain and a lot of work did nothing. Also a lot of little things added up to a big increase. They learned what and what not to do. One thing they used to see all the time was people bring heads in that looked great and flowed like poop. A few minutes grinding/polishing on the right areas they could show the customer difference, never an unhappy customer. Great Tool!!
Yep the good old Superflow or Supershow..(IE the lie detector)... In the right hands a good tool, in the wrong hands just a prop. They work good for carbs, intakes , and exhaust too.