new tats.....

that sort of symbol is used on russian mafia members to signal that that are loyal to the mafia, not the same design but very very similar

nice tattoing but the fact it isnt symmetrical puts me off a lil

its the nautical star
it became popular with sailors because they relied on stars to guide them home (or to port) and being superstitious they hoped having the star tattooed on them would being them good luck
its the nautical star
it became popular with sailors because they relied on stars to guide them home (or to port) and being superstitious they hoped having the star tattooed on them would being them good luck

hence me saying "that sort" and "not the same design but very similar"
Sorry about the question before, i just always seen girls with a tat like that, didn't know what is was. but the reason behind it is interesting.

so u like the feeling of needles(sp) peircing ur skin thousands of times?.........EMO bastard.......ahah jk, i want a tattoo, but i want sumthin originial like barbed wire around the arms or sumthing like that

barbed wire is originial? maybe originial for showing your gay side.
that tat has been over used and have been retarded since it started
Sorry about the question before, i just always seen girls with a tat like that, didn't know what is was. but the reason behind it is interesting.

barbed wire is originial? maybe originial for showing your gay side.
that tat has been over used and have been retarded since it started

thats deffinatly not gay...but ok feel free to thank that
yb says you have nice moobs to

i bet yb did say that....sense the only moobs he has seen is his own......he hasnt even seen me

i could be like a ripped body builder for all he noes, or a fart lard who watches japanise games shows all day...but im not neither one of those