New Riding Spot and Some Bad News


Jul 29, 2007
I thought it was gonna be a good day, but I thought wrong....

dropped the camera in the sand and almost ran it over, cleaned it around lens and it worked again, just barely​

then I flipped the blaster going around a corner and somehow broke the vapor right off its mount

and to top it all off my dumass "friend" snapped a tie rod​

..but I did get vids tho!! LOL​

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looks like a sick pit. sucks about the damage though. hopefully ill get my parts this week and get the blasty goin. havent heard it running in along time.
haha hes abusing your poor blasty! why in the hell is he riding it that hard with spacers? is he paying for da tierod?

he did already...through the nose.

lmfao no.

I want to find some really expensive ones to piss him off!! I'm getting a whole new set, so he will be paying for 2.
Cool vids...Looks like a bad ass place to rip around. Did you film those with a digital camera? I just noticed you didnt zoom in at all.
^^^^Damn that sux. I let my inlaws borrow my camera one time and they took it to the beach while on a cruise. My Father inlaw ended up dropping it in the sand. i couldnt even turn the dial on top to pic a setting. I was pissed. He ended up using a little pic and prying up on the dial and used a compressor to blow the sane out. It works still to this day. Hes lucky I was getting a new one in a couple weeks so I didnt mind all that much. But if you borrow someone elses stuff just take care of it. You know??
thats good that you didnt zoom in and out, or i wouldn't have watched the whole thing, that zooming in and out gives me a head ache. i bought my friend a blaster so he wouldnt ride mine he destroyed before we could ever go riding together, i'm out $650 and still riding by myself