new rear tires for the truck


New Member
Jan 27, 2008
hanover PA
ok, well right now i have 31/10.50/15 all around on my 4x4 dodge dakota and i need new rear tires for it but i cant find that exact same tire in that size anywhere. if i would get different brand tires on the back will it cause problems with my transfer case? im gonna get the same size but i didnt know if it would vary from brand to brand bad enough to cause harm to the t-case. thanks guys! and gals!:D
man thats a toug call, i asked a guy at a tire shop the same thing and he put it liek this, unless you can find something that is virtually the same tread desing it is going to have differant traction from front to rear wich isnt good. it makes sense to me :-/ :-/
If you do get different rears than fronts I wouldn't run it on the pavement in 4 wheel drive. it might be alright if you don't run it in 4 wheel alot and only off road. personally i wouldn't do it.
thats what i was thinking. ill prolly use four wheel drive a lot here soon because its gonna be winter. ill keep looking for the same tire but thanks!
they wont be different sizes but idk how itll be if they are a different brand. plus the traction thing that super noober said im sure wouldnt be good. ill still get 31/10.50/15s its just hard to find that exact same tire.
Naw, as long as you get the same size tire, you'll be fine.

I ran dunlop muds on the rear and Bf grich on the front they were all 35-12.5-15 never had a problem. I had full lockers in both. They will not be the same exact size and weight, but the difference isn't enough to cause any problems. BTW - I had a '90 fullsize bronco with the sh*tty front suspension arms...-Bob
I just got a flat on my Subaru Sti, I had to replace all 4 or the symetrical all wheel drive would not be happy. I dont think the Dodge system is as picky but ya never know. Id check here
or here

Forum guys always know this kind of stuff, just gotta find the right forumI:I
man i love sti's how do you have the all-wheel drive set, 10-90 or 20-80? i would kill for one :p

Ive got the DCCD (Driver control center diff) set on auto for daily driving. Theres an adjustter on the console to vairy it on the fly. It doesnt show the actual split, just the baist to the front/rear. Im just waitin for the snow to fall so i can play I:I
Ive got the DCCD (Driver control center diff) set on auto for daily driving. Theres an adjustter on the console to vairy it on the fly. It doesnt show the actual split, just the baist to the front/rear. Im just waitin for the snow to fall so i can play I:I

i actually just found out how baddly mis-informed i was thanks to some douche, but carnz was talking to me, apparently it is set around 49-51 for mos years. the dccd is the idea i was getting at though, thanks to canrnz i fully understand now
As long as your not running in 4x on asphalt your fine. There is always going to be some slippage even if you have the same size. I have a 96 ram and I have done as much stupid stuff as you can and it has held up for 12 years of abuse/hot rodding/ and just regular ol dumb ass stuff.
Ya as long as the tire is the same size your fine.
Right now I unfortunately have to run a different size rim on my jeep, which is full time 4x4, anyways all the tires are the same size except one is a different rim size and different rim. Haven't had a problem