New Quad! (Sorta...)


Dec 1, 2009
Hamlet, NC
Here's what happens when you're 19 and lonely. I don't have a girl to love, so I figured I'd just distract myself with another quad project...

Nailed this one off Craigslist for $ 200.00. What the Hell? Hanging wires and a total basket - excuse me, truck bed - case sittin' on three wheels. Gonna be fun...

+2 rep to the first guy who can ID what make, model, and engine size this machine is. :D It is a 1999 model year, if that helps anybody...



kawi bayau or how ever its spelled

I love y'all's guesses! HondaKawaYamiZuki! Lol. Blaster01 was close. ^^yb finally got it, tho!^^ It's a '99 Kawasaki Bayou 220 4x2. Obviously one in need of some serious R&R, but these little suckers are bulletproof, so I bet it'll run again soon.
DAMN he got it before me. only because i almost bought this 220 bayou with no plastics and a wiring problem for cheap to f*ck around with.