New quad!!!! :D

were you getting lrd pipe? and didint you say the crank was going

It sounded like the bearings or something... I think i might get a +3 this summer... Depending on how much i work

I think giz said it could be my balancing rod, but he didnt ride it, i just explained it to him...
Ok so... I FINALLY ordered a throttle cable, should be here friday i think... I have idle screw and cap (blue moose... not gonna match :p)

Anyhow, im looking at an LRD pipe, trying to find a silencer... Buying a skid plate soon I:I

Anyone suggestions what to do next? Current mods in sig I:I

LRD Exhaust sound great and looks great after the toomey pipe LRD is my second favorite pipe but it is hard to find.

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Well, i bought a complete LRD exhaust from fee bay for $145 shipped. Now im waiting on it to get here, and for wifesblaster to send me pictures of the skidplate i need!
So i got some presents today!!!

The grips from awk08 (Thanks again!) I:I
I thought they would be like all other grips... BUT THESE ARE AWESOME!!

LRD adjustable right bend with silencer :o

So im gonna need a jetting range... Anyone wanna take a stab? Mods listed in sig, except this pipe
So i shined up the pipe a little bit, even though it was already really nice I:I

Heres before and after pictures.

Thats before i sealed it. Now i have the copper stuff where it adjusts, pipe-silencer meet, and on the flange

It took me 2 hours to put it on lol

20 min to figure out how, then over an hour trying to get the mount onto the a-arm mount... which didnt even go on...

And i finally got done I:II:I
So i got some presents today!!!

The Oury grips from awk08 (Thanks again!) I:I
I thought they would be like all other grips... BUT THESE ARE AWESOME!!

wait till you feel how much less vibration you feel when riding I:I
hands down the best grips made IMO.
so i got some presents today!!!

The grips from awk08 (thanks again!) i:i
i thought they would be like all other grips... But these are awesome!!

so im gonna need a jetting range... Anyone wanna take a stab? Mods listed in sig, except this pipe

so i shined up the pipe a little bit, even though it was already really nice i:i

heres before and after pictures.

thats before i sealed it. Now i have the copper stuff where it adjusts, pipe-silencer meet, and on the flange

it took me 2 hours to put it on lol

20 min to figure out how, then over an hour trying to get the mount onto the a-arm mount... Which didnt even go on...

And i finally got done i:ii:i

what a difference from that dg pipe and you need to edit your sig
First ride with the new pipe! (I had to seal another spot... so another day waiting :( )

Anyhow... It rips!!! I can actually stand it up now while in third!

The grips are really big, had to adjust clutch cable so it didnt kill lol.

When the powerband hit the first time, i didnt have good hold with my left hand so i lost the handlebar :o

I cant believe the difference! :o:o I:II:I :D

Only thing i dont like, all the RPMs sound to same lol! So i have to relearn shifting lol
Thought i would add some pictures since im out of gas and cant go riding :(

And i had someone ask about the shed in the background, so heres a picture of that lol. (Its 60' x 100')
(Left door is where the blaster is sitting I:I)