New project - Warrior


Jan 20, 2013
S. Jersey
So after selling all of my toys I've decided to scoop up a couple projects. One of them is a 96 warrior that's been sitting a while. Got her running after a couple of hours, but once she was running it was obvious that there was an exhaust leak. Come to find out one of the exhaust studs was broken with some of the bolt still in the head and the other didn't have a nut on it. Today I tore off the head in preparation for the attempted bolt extraction. Hopefully all goes well, but I'm wondering if I should spend some money on upgrades while it's apart. I've always thought, if it ain't broke don't fix it, but figured now's the time if I'm going upgrade the top end. Thanks guys!
Go big or go home. If you're considering anything less then a 366cc with 10.5:1 piston, it isn't worth doing.

All jokes aside, I know nothing about those bikes. Like I said. Go big or go home.
Piston and cylinder walls look great. There's a good amount of carbon built up on the head of the piston tho, she's black.
My Blaster weighs less than 300 lbs.
You and I can lift and ratchet strap it to the roof of the car for transport.
I don't need no reverse. Besides, its going thru regardless...

Head and piston look pretty normal to me. Good combustion chamber shape.
Just like the Blasters, set the squish up to 0.025"-0.045" for best performance.
I don't know the ideal for that engine but 0.030" would likely work real good.
Mill cylinder or head or use thinner basegaskets.

Rings are cheap. Probably $20? But if your compression was good no worries.

Hard to get extra power out of a 4 stroke. Need cam and compression.
$100 and work will double the HP of a Blaster.
4 stroke will be lucky to get 25% for $1000.

Don't let my 2 stroke chit get you down, fun is fun. Ride it!
So I'm finally done and ready to ride!
Fixed the exhaust studs, I put on a slip-on exhaust, rejetted the carb to the pipes specs, upgraded to a kn air filter, and installed new rear tires.
Only having one small issue that may need attention before things are dialed in: she starts right up, idles perfect, revs great except for when I give the throttle a quick hit, then she gives out until I let off the throttle. I can ease into the throttle and it revs fine but no good on quick hit like I said. Any ideas? I did upgrade the pilot jet one size larger than stock, but haven't played with the air/fuel screw yet. (It's set 2 1/2 turns out)
Generally that problem would be a lean pilot jet.
Does it get better when the choke is on? Better when warmed up?
These would confirm lean condition.

Check your flat level first. Too low a float level will do this.
While the carb is off do a pressure test to rule out air leaks.
Have a look at the reeds, are they sealing well?
(Edit- Argh, Warrior, I forgot. Ignore reeds and pressure test. Look at timing too)
Set up the air/fuel screw to best idle and test it with snap response. .
Needle would be the last factor before you take it out for a plug chop test.

This is how I'd do it.
Generally that problem would be a lean pilot jet.
Does it get better when the choke is on? Better when warmed up?
These would confirm lean condition.

Check your flat level first. Too low a float level will do this.
While the carb is off do a pressure test to rule out air leaks.
Have a look at the reeds, are they sealing well?
(Edit- Argh, Warrior, I forgot. Ignore reeds and pressure test. Look at timing too)
Set up the air/fuel screw to best idle and test it with snap response. .
Needle would be the last factor before you take it out for a plug chop test.

This is how I'd do it.
Appreciate the response! I'll get back to checking things out tomorrow.