new blaster needs a tune up


New Member
Jun 29, 2013
well i bought 89 a blaster and got carried away on my first ride. needless to say after the cliff i drove off i see its in need for some repairs. being so old i figured id start by replacing fluids,cables, tires, filters, expendable parts.

what ive purchased:
no toil air filter
boyeson superstock carbon reeds
carb rebuild kit
front brake cables
front brake shoes
AWKS BRAKES!!! ( stoked about those i need to stop as much as i need to go)
new throttle and clutch cable
new clutch lever (broke mine when she went over the cliff)
new throttle (also broken from the cliff dive)
used steering stem (this cliff messed is up pretty knarley)
new front tires: razr's 21-10-7

i have a long weekend so ill be in the garage doin work. ill be sure to post a pic of the bent steering stem

im goin to wait to put the tires on till i pic up the rears and new wheels

for tires: what size should i run on the rear without having to do a gear change? i will be doin mild to a lil more tech trails some rocks not bolders

for wheels: the front tires are 21-7-10s. what wheel size should i run? same questions for the rear, tire/ wheel size? im used to building rock crawlers so if i have a 12.5 wide tire i would run a soft 8 or 9 wheel. doeas this apply to quads?

sorry for the essay I:I


ill post a pic of my jeep too its in the middle of a motor rebuild :D

hears a pic of the jeep when i was test fitting the cage i built
Tires are different softnesses on quads too, just no as much as crawler ones.

21" front are good (most run 20-22)

18-20 rears would be good it sounds like for you
if you need a little more clearance, get 20"
People have run 22" in the back, but thats for speed mostly, or change sprockets
I run 22's on the rear for the extra clearance as well as speed. It's also nice being able to get a little more use out of first and second gear rather then spinning them 18's and having to shift twice in 10 feet !
little more

ok so with a 21-7-10 tire what wheels would work?
and with a 20-11-9 rear tire what wheel would be best?

do you run the EXACT wheel size for the tire? ie 21-7-10 tire with a 21-7-10 wheel?

or can you run a 21-7-10 tire with a 21-6-10 wheel?

im mech inclined but im in a new realm here haha:D
If you want to ditch the steel wheels any Yammy sport quad alum wheel will fit the front, if aftermarket get .190 thick to reduce bending. On the rear get Banshee, warrior, raptor, yfz hubs then you can use rims from those which are 9' and you will have a greater choice of tires.
I plan on getting Douglas .190s all the way around I just was sure if the wheels and tires had to have the exact number
been workin on it

ok so i got itrunning last weekend. sort of. front brake working. new reeds in. carb cleaned. new brake, clutch, and throttle cables. i also got the front tires mounted and im im waiting on the back brakes to show. also new air filter and new spark plug.

**** one problem. it starts and runs good for about 3 minutes. then dies. and wont start again for about 10-15 more minutes. any thoughts?

also awks rear brake are on the way!!!!!