new additon to the family, stock parts needed !!!!!

still need a kicker side plastic heelgaurd ???????
pm me what ya got
got the motor together today and installed, went to fire it and it was givin us troubles, had spark, had fuel
finally she fired, but would not rev, pulled the carb and went thru it again, same results, just would not rev and sounded funny, pulled the pipe off the cylinder and wow, she revved then,
i asked scotty..."where'd we get this pipe" ????
he reminded me i drug it home from oconnors that he donated to the cause,
then i remembered i dug it out of his shed
yep, sho-nuf.......a fuggin mouse nest cloggin the pipe !!!!!!
we "roto-rootered" that biotch !!!!!
i put a piece of electrical "fish tape" in my drill and look what came out.................

Holy sh*t! What did you tell Ken when you pulled that out?

hahahahaaa, called him up and said "you dirty bastard" told him what i found and we laughed our asses off

she runs pretty good, been quite a while since i've been on a bone stock blaster, and holy shizzle the front end does not like staying down, gotta extend the extra swinger we have or scotty and his son are gonna end up with scratched up helmets in the back

remember, heres what we started with around a month ago
(for all you year long+ rebuilders)

heres what we ended up with friday................................



he grabbed another donor bike and got very nice pure sport bandits for the rear, and an fmf silencer

then my brother in-law shows up with his new toy, a Harley Iron,
for a drag bar install, and turn signal relocation

before, stock bars......


yes the dumb ass for got to buy new grips, we'll get to that during the week, the right one transfered with the throttle tube............


the harley man himself, hahahaaaa, but the bike looks pretty mean with the drag bars !!!!!!
Did a nice job on that Blaster. I like the white frame.

thanx, thats a FREE white powder coating job he got his brother in-law to do for him, he works at a place that modify's humvees for the army, they only do white black and army green though or i woulda went that route too
Looks a hell of alot better then when it was sitting behind my buddies little garage How much you think he would do me black for :)

thats right, you saw it sitting in disarray behind your buddies garage !!!!!
thanx for the hookup bro, it's giving boys smiles again !!!
I know where theres another little project sitting for like 200 bucks or so I went and looked at it not to bad its an 01 was gonna trade a car stereo for it but I need the 200 bucks more then that so I am just going to sell the car stereo lol but if you know anyone looking let me know its not to bad getting no spark.
I know where theres another little project sitting for like 200 bucks or so I went and looked at it not to bad its an 01 was gonna trade a car stereo for it but I need the 200 bucks more then that so I am just going to sell the car stereo lol but if you know anyone looking let me know its not to bad getting no spark.

is it that orange framed one you texted me pics of ???
i wanted to reply, but didnt know what to say from just pics, so i bit my tongue (imagine that, hahahaa)
when am i coming to look at it ??????
thats a bad ass lookin at a nightrod right now....wife told me i could get another motorcycle after deployment. that is a big transformation on that bike, its lookin good.