new additon to the family, stock parts needed !!!!!

just remembered

also need................

*clutch lever/perch,
*the clutch cable bracket that goes down on the cylinder base bolt, near the clutch actuator arm
awk if you want, and can make it up here, you can take what ever parts i have. i got 1 semi complete frame and one with just the front end

thanx for the offer bro, lemme get my new to me truck in about 2 weeks and i may just help you clean out that garage !!!!!
I got a stock carb(32.5 pilot/300 main, stock needle) with tors and a vitos jet kit minus needle $25 shipped
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neonknight where you hidin bro ????
i need that paypal info

i still need ................

swingarm pivot bolt /nut ???????????

do not need brake cables anymore, i got norman420 spindles on the way, so goin hydro
who has hydro parts shee/rappy/yfz...... clipers/hubs/master ????

not interested in overpriced full 03+ blasty sets
i got a stock head pipe for ya awk, but im gonna have to wait for my toomey to get here this week, ill keep ya posted, pm me for pics

yo bb200, whats the dealio with that pipe ?????
gonna need it soon, taking the cylinder with me to kens on saturday for the bore/hone

and might as well make this the build thread for this bike, my buddy has been hard at it, he got a-arms, pegs, swinger, tie-rods all painted gloss black
and heres what he showed up with today, his bro in-law got the frame powder coated at his work, for free, looks amazing live............

i got a swinger bolt for u, send me ur address and ill get it in the mail tomorro at lunch gotta hit the po to out some stuff.

got one already john, or i'd take ya up on that, no reason to be greedy
thanx for lookin out though
Soooooooooo lets see this fellers blaster now! I wanna see the stuff put on and what not!

ken has the top end,
the frame is powder coated,
he has the a-arms, swinger, pegs, heelies, all painted black
most parts needed are ordered and paid for
we gotta figure out what to do with these nasty ass half painted plastics

heres the frame hangin in my garage, might try to get a roller put together this week ................

LOL I just wanna see my bars on there! And I want to see him riding it with the sprocket. It'll make me feel good :D

we cut 2 bad stering stems up and made a 2" extended one outta them, and them bars look hella good on there

who has a stock or A/M grab bar ???????????
hey awk does that thing need a balancer gear? I got two. one used in pretty damn good shape. and one brand new. brand new=40 shipped if he wants it. or used 15 shipped
hey awk does that thing need a balancer gear? I got two. one used in pretty damn good shape. and one brand new. brand new=40 shipped if he wants it. or used 15 shipped

thanx for the offer, motor was pretty good shape, bottom is peachy
ken has the top end, i carried it in my duffle bag on the train last friday, on my way to kens to recover my new truck
maybe a record build today, i got started cleaning a few parts/bolts, and painted a few we missed during the last few weeks, then waiting for scotty to get his drunk ass outta bed at noon, i fixed my tonneau cover and installed a new fog light on my truck, when he arrived we ran and got some kerosene to flush the bottom end of the motor, and clean off the grease buildup, around 2:30/3:00 we got started boltin her up, got as far as we could around 8:00, full roller, including normans spindles and rappy hydro conversion, still need a few body bolts and getting the topend from ken prolly wednesday, and he still needs to paint his rims and mount tires this week coming, those are some of my spares on there now

some of you guys will recognize the parts you sold us for awesome prices
(thanx again bro's)

heres todays results..............




and how i had to stack them in my garage to get them to fit............
