awk if you want, and can make it up here, you can take what ever parts i have. i got 1 semi complete frame and one with just the front end
cool, a tracking number works both ways, i use it on every brake system i send out, that way, nobody can say they didnt receive what they paid for !!!!
just holler
i got a stock head pipe for ya awk, but im gonna have to wait for my toomey to get here this week, ill keep ya posted, pm me for pics
i got a swinger bolt for u, send me ur address and ill get it in the mail tomorro at lunch gotta hit the po to out some stuff.
got one already john, or i'd take ya up on that, no reason to be greedy
thanx for lookin out though
i was going to say there is one up here when u come to get the other stuff
damn, forgot about that, i just went to burgettstown to the mayhem festival on friday, i coulda swung by
i wanted to go to mayhem too!!!!! lol i went to warped tour 2 weeks ago there
Soooooooooo lets see this fellers blaster now! I wanna see the stuff put on and what not!
LOL I just wanna see my bars on there! And I want to see him riding it with the sprocket. It'll make me feel good![]()
hey awk does that thing need a balancer gear? I got two. one used in pretty damn good shape. and one brand new. brand new=40 shipped if he wants it. or used 15 shipped