yeaaa man,if its not the quad its other toys or life..loli hate my life this week, so i fell ya,
have to sell my system in the car to register the car, went to my buddys work to show him since he is buying it, and the alternator took a sh*t, fine w/e... well got to pull the radiator out to get the alternator out, fine w/e... wellllllll
a remanufactuerd alternator is 140 bucks!! and 50 for core... ughh
all I gotta say is this , anything made by the hands of man , BUT you my brothers , can take solice in the truth that once you have solved the problem , it is no longer a problem , but a learned lesson , a learned lesson that is not forgotten , but is remembered when reminded of such trivialness , usually at the moment when it is perplexing another member of our 4 wheeler clan . So you can look upon these speedbumps as opportunities to pass on your knowledge , and teach a man to fish .
This is our credo , this is the foundation that builds strong society's , this is the way of the masons , which led to our modern day unions . " Together we Stand , Divided we starve " .
lol true. I:I