In the pic the clip is in the richest position.
Normally it should be in the middle slot for a stock motor.
Normally it should be in the middle slot for a stock motor.
Clip also move one towards the top. Or was i supposed to go down?
You never did answer me if i was right about top and bottom...
Other than changing pipe, is your set-up same as when you started this thread? Did it idle good, what is pilot jet?
You could have two identical set-ups sitting right next to each other and they might tune differently, which is why only a range can be given. Start rich and work your way down.
Who ever you take advice from, the only sure fire way to know if the jetting is correct is to plug chop.
Remember that no 2 motors are the same, what works for me may not nessesarily work for you.
I want to be safer with the first tank maybe #340 and switch to #330 on the second, plug shop at #330 on second or third tank