Need Help

May 18, 2012
Hi im needing some advice i took the cyclinder head of my quad and the barrel and piston is covered in black oil or black powder . also my reed cage is broken so i need new ones so deciding just to wait until next year to get out on it so going to get all my upgrades :) also it has a bigger bore piston as its a big f*cker!lol
The black stuff sounds like a lot of carbon build up. Pics would help. You may have a BBK. Pics of the outside of the jug would help also.
The black stuff sounds like a lot of carbon build up. Pics would help. You may have a BBK. Pics of the outside of the jug would help also.

alright mate the barrel is actually fine. but the piston looks like its burnt on top. it is defo not a standard size its ART piston ever heard of them?

play in wrist pin bearing i think or is this much movement normal?

That's just carbon build up. The piston will have flat side to side movement . Any up and down play in the pin is bad.

quality man :) you ever heard of art Pistons? iv not lol i will be putting a wiseco piston in it in the next few months anyway I:I but quad is stripped bare engine is lying on my bench for rebuild :) should have it finished by next march and be out :D

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