Need help!!!!


Mar 12, 2012
Southern illinois
I'm new to this forum, so thanks for your help in advance. I just recently bought an 03 blaster project. It has good compression. When I first got it, it had no spark. I unplugged the tors, problem solved. I now have good spark. I put the plug back in with a fresh tank of gas, mixed at 32;1 (oil injection previously removed). I kicked and kicked, and nothing. Now the engine is flooded, and it definitely won't start.the previous owner said he has the carb cleaned. Could it be the carb needs rebuilt? Any help would be appreciated, my leg can't handle much more kicking!!!!
I would start with a new plug and see if you have spark. If spark is god,clean carb real good. It's always best to do a compression test and leak down test on your motor.
It does still have spark, and i'm assuming it's getting gas,cuz when I take the plug out to check for spark, gas shoots out the spark plug hole

If there is gas coming out of the plug hole you have flooded it.

Remove the plug, turn off the gas tap, and kick over with the choke and throttle off.

Kick until no traces of gas comes out of the plug hole.

If there is a lot of gas in there, you could put it in second gear, and tow or push it around a little. This will save your leg some.

Turn on gas. Put in a goog plug and try to start it. You may not need to choke it.

If still wont start, take out the plug, walk away, grab some bread, make a sandwich, brew some coffee, watch a movie, then try to start it again.

I will dry out by itself in a matter of time.
03, you did make sure the tors delete is correct. if it fires up then stalls out when you give it gas sounds like you still have a tors problem, or reeds.
isn't there a parking brake on those, i don't have an 03 but i think the tors delete involves that
Ok, so either the person before me cut the parking brake wire out of the stator, or this engine is off of an older model, cuz there is no green wire coming out of the stator, however, my cdi box has a green lead that leads back to the engine compartment, and there is nothing to plug it into.
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