Need help with my aarms


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
okay so I bought a ds450xc, and I need it to be mx ready but the aarms are 1100$ the ones I want so this guy is selling a brand new set of mx aarms which from can am are true long travel aarms for 350$, when I change the aarms is there anything speical I have to do, and what about the ball joints and all that how do i set that up. As for shocks im not looking to speed much but what would be a nice upgrade over my stock 450 fronts for the long travel aarms. should I also get a stock mx rear axle, or buy aftermarket?
i dunno if you're gonna get much can am help on here

yea i relized that but Its about aarms and im pretty sure all long travel aarms and stuff are simular and it is a quad,off topic section, and there is no good can am websites it takes about 1 week to get 1 response on
here are some notes on setting caster/camber

thanks, is there like any special seals I need to put in, its a full set comes with tie rods,ball joints,aarms or will I need to buy those cuff almost things and is that all I have to do or is there more involved, and I no with long travel arrms I need to run long travel shock should I run the long travel shocks from the mx edition or should I run some aftermarket replacement that will be better but not very expensive
run aftermarkets if you can afford them...either works, elka, fox floats, custom axis...the list goes on. works has always been good with me on the phone