My suggestion, until you figure out everything when you get it started do not try and go as fast as you can right away!!!! This motor needs to be warmed up!!! If not your risking breaking alot more and rebuilding the whole engine so STOP! You set the float to the correct level based on the links that were provided by AWK correct?
I did the float fix yesterday I only had to move it a tiny bit
Also stop switching pipes, your confusing us, pick a pipe stick with it and we can help you based on that pipe.
Suggestions help
4 switched back to stock exhaust thought that was reason it was leaking
Cleaned choke nd all hoses and jets turned the one on carb 1 1/2 cuz I got fmf pipe should I turn it more?
We need these before any help can be offered:
-Without knowing what jet is currently in there, there is no possible way to figure out if its too big/small
2: When you cleaned the carb did you literally take it apart and clean everything?
3: Which pipe do you want to run!? Figure that out and jetting gets a little easier!
4: Any other ENGINE Mods done to the bike??? (stroker/head mod/airbox lid off,on,holes drilled)
When you reply please use periods, they help us understand what your writing! use a list method or numbering system. These big long sentences are extremely confusing going from one thought to another without breaking.