my toomey !

f7 is better but i got my toomey for $127 and the f7 is $350 and for the price i think the tommey has everything beat but f7 is the best
you shouldnt get a 36mm carb unless you have exhaust porting reeds and all of that stuff im getting a 30mm for the time being
It has vitos 240 big bore kit, k & n filter, mikuni carb, new axle bearings and seals, tusk clutch (not installed), new moose handlebars, new custom grab bar, new rear end, axel, hub assmebly, kenda scorpion tires, hot rod crankshaft and connecting rods, boyesen reeds, new hand grips, and new throttle cable. Just fixed trans. And changed oil and im going to put the f7 on.
you would need the intake boot and all the hoses for the carb to fit but i wouldnt get a 36mm carb for wat your running cause you going to run waaaay to rich and blow your blaster up
kk thx im just trying to go really fast.. and how is the gear ratio of 14,40
whats a reed cage
and porting
and if i can port is it easy to due it with the 240cc kit.
although i have the toomey, and love it, the f7 is better, but ive heard people have had problems with them, blasterb0y13 go on Toomey Racing USA and they have warranties and stuff on them, ive never had a problem with my toomey
kk but do you no were to get one used i already check ebay..