my son and his LT80 :)

Feb 28, 2010
Kailua-Kona, HI


1st vid :)
man that brings back memories. i used to love riding my old lt80.


haha, i had that excact same lt 80, took it everywhere, wide open, drag races vs my friends honda 70, mud holes, jumps, never broke a thing, hehe, i'll look up a pic, and also, i luuv them donuts too, just don't tell him how to wheelie
air box? who needs an airbox... it's all about UNI pod filters LMFAO...

I'm gonna tune it leaner and have it screaming again like it used to. just was leary of running it too lean, I'll get plugs and do some plug testing at sea level and see lol. set it for sea level and just lean it more if we're up high and it's too rich.. but I'm sure it'll run everywhere provided I tune it to sea level.. if I tune it to the elevation we live at down at sea level could be bad.. thus me richening it up before this last ride.. I actually richened it AT the beach via clip on needle :D

fastdoughnuts.flv video by hawaiianbasshead - Photobucket

also seems like 32:1 is too rich on oil from my plugs to this point all being a goupy black look lol
eh, back and forth, it has issues after last sunday :( so I'm trying to get it straightened out... has a rotational type issue. I checked the trans gear and all are good. I found a slight leak so changed the head gasket.

checked the stator = still good.

changed plugs.

thought it was jetting and ended up trying different jetts and even tried a large 26mm carb w/vforce cage and still had issues.

it's fine off the ground but when I put it on the ground it bogs steady on a rotation. it still gets up to speed but it annoys the hell outta me

I got some snow hogs again for track riding here's a shot of how they compare they're 18x6.5"s the rear tires on the LT are 18x9.5 turf tamers fronts are 20x7 CSTs...



when I bought it originally it had 16.5" snow hogs on the rear. I have a set of 16.5"s too but wanted to try the 18"s :) also got a 14t front sprocket currently has a 13t so it should have similar top end and still wheel spinning off the line power. more so when the 26mm carb and Vforce setup is on it. it has retarded holeshot power lol. lifts up rediculously fast. can't wait til it's dialed in... still hoping to get a better bike but if I can get this thing running good I'd be happier...
we get snow on the mountains we go usually... we have a 16m/o daughter tho and the wife is preg again, so she and the little ones cant' go as it's high elevation :( but we don't ride up there anyway lol. he can do doughnuts all over the place really so don't think snow nuts is a priority lol at least not for me... I like my testes warm thanks lmfao...
sooooo, I finally got all the parts to put the vforce reed cage and 26mm mikuni roundslide back on it AND working properly... It seems like it's a dirtybike carb so I decided to get a pitbike throttle and cable (proper length on draw/cable that sticks out of sheath) and since doing a twist throttle anyway, I put a 1/4 turn twist throttle on it LMFAO.. let me just say this thing is rediculous.. it scares me to ride it lol. it's very punchy like a dirtbike and unlike a dirtbike rider I'm used to holding the grip and when I go to turn and stuff or just general hold on it's full throttle lmfao...

I did a wheelie on the lawn and did a few really jerky turns out on the street lol. I'll be jetting it today via plug testing and maybe play with the rollers if I feel I want more bottom end, lmfao, off the line is intense even will all rollers in the CVT and 14t front sprocket :O can't wait to pull a few rollers and get it jetted, this thing is gonna be rediculous :D

1/4 turn throttle..


carb shot you can see the spacer that holds the reed cage thing.. I'll pull it apart some time to get pix of the vforce setup :D


shot with the new grips and stuff of the whole bike... oh, and the AC nerfs I put on and holeshots all around... can't wait to get my kid on it on a track LOL


I also ordered a set of zuki king quad footpegs so I can weld them on where the little rubber pegs currently are. they're short height wise but will probably stick out past the nerfs and will be good for cornering and such I imagine. oh, they have a kickup on the ebd as well :D

will try to get vids of it later when we test it out...
got a few vids but none of them were anything special so I only uploaded the shortest one I had...

slidingturn.mp4 video by hawaiianbasshead - Photobucket

small slide on turn number 3 lol. it's just a parking lot at the beach that has low traffic so I take him for small practice rides there. hoping to hit the track tomorrow, we'll see. it definitely slides better with the little tires and has more power with the 26mm carb :D didn't even jet it yet. can't wait til it's screaming again lol. not sure he's ready for it...

oh and his 19x6 front holeshot MXs rub the new nerfs, what are the shortest good tires for 10" rim? hoping maybe to try the new DWT mini tires... but they're rated 19" too so not sure they'll help :(