My rant.......


Feb 7, 2009
Godfather to the blaster family
Some of you guys are a blasters worst enemy. I can't tell you how many times I have seen people post pictures of motors ripped apart that are covered in dirt and mud. Countless threads of blown up motors and jetting problems when leakdown testers can be made for less than $20 bucks, frozen axles and pivot bolts and worn out front end bushings when you havent cleaned and greased things in months, cranks lunched because you cleaned your aircleaner, last year.... Take care of your sh*t or it WILL reward your lack of effort and laziness by breaking.

Ok..I feel better now.
actually rattle can is better for an older frame. The downside of powdercoating is that your frame can crack under it and you wont see the crack untill a little crack becomes a big problem.... but then again, if your bike is covered in dirt, mud and oil you wont see a little crack untill it becomes a big crack anyways.
yuppppp i deff agree phragle,ive been thinking the same thing myself. i clean my quad after EVERY ride....a clean quad is a happy quad.
not just blaster's lol most anything is the same way. i do agree with you though just simple maintenance will do wonders and keep you riding.
i have one of those quads that i don't think was maintained/oiled/greased/generally taken care of since it left the factory in '88. its become an expensive little project now, i'm working at fixing it slowly but surely....but man does it suck replacing every last bearing/bushing/everything that can wear out under normal use (and some that probably shouldn't). it makes me sad....because i wouldn't say i have the best maintenance program around...but a simple clean and checking out all the fluids goes a looooong way
TRy doing baja or 24 hour races, before the race you rebuild the entire bike, bottom end, top end all bearings bushings chain sprockets etc... then after the race everything is worn out and you get to rebuild it all again........
I take care of my sh*t!

just wish other's would have done the same....
had to have everything sandblasted and repainted(good primer but paint and clear was rattlecanned and then wet sanded)
they ran it for so long with no axle bearings that the sprocket actually ate part of the swing arm and the axle was almost wore in two so i had to replace entire rear end
the swing arm bolt was replaced with a chunk of all threat so i replaced it with stock bolt and put all new bushings, bearings, etc....
one front shock was actually rusted compressed and top bolt was rusted in place so we had to saws all it off
had to buy an entire new seat
front end was ran with seized up wheel bearings so the hubs are a bit shot put a little bit of jb around the wheel bearings and it's good to go for now and i'm planning on scrapping the front end anyways.
had to replace all the bushings in the swing arms.
amazingly the motor was still in perfect condition.
needless to say i have around $400 just in parts that were shot from lack of maintenance
paid 150 for the body and 90 for the headlight
got everything sandblasted and primed for around 100 and no idea want i spent in paint cans. recently scored a perfect bumper for it just haven't gotten it refinished yet
i've got about a grand in parts to fix mine for stuff that was messed up. then i upgraded the other stuff as i went i have a little more than i would HAVE to in it...but when its only a couple more dollars here and there to go from stock worn out to aftermarket...its hard to say no
the original owner of my blaster had absolutely no clue at all what he was doing, dont think he ever did any maintenance at all. its all rusty and the hubs are welded to the axle. I'll probably have to replace everything during the summer except for the motor