I take care of my sh*t!
just wish other's would have done the same....
had to have everything sandblasted and repainted(good primer but paint and clear was rattlecanned and then wet sanded)
they ran it for so long with no axle bearings that the sprocket actually ate part of the swing arm and the axle was almost wore in two so i had to replace entire rear end
the swing arm bolt was replaced with a chunk of all threat so i replaced it with stock bolt and put all new bushings, bearings, etc....
one front shock was actually rusted compressed and top bolt was rusted in place so we had to saws all it off
had to buy an entire new seat
front end was ran with seized up wheel bearings so the hubs are a bit shot put a little bit of jb around the wheel bearings and it's good to go for now and i'm planning on scrapping the front end anyways.
had to replace all the bushings in the swing arms.
amazingly the motor was still in perfect condition.
needless to say i have around $400 just in parts that were shot from lack of maintenance
paid 150 for the body and 90 for the headlight
got everything sandblasted and primed for around 100 and no idea want i spent in paint cans. recently scored a perfect bumper for it just haven't gotten it refinished yet