i was using a wire wheel on my rotozip in the tight corners until the next moring when i was takin a shower i felt something weird in the crease beside my nose. when i got out of the shower i grabbed it and pulled out like a 3/4" piece of wire that was inbedded in my face. don't know how i didn't feel it. i was wearing goggles but went and bought a face sheild that day.
Good work man! Post the whole thing when its done! Ya always wear goggles with wire wheels i got lazy and didnt wear em one day and found out the hard way.
here's a few more pics. got started on the other case today. unfortunately while i was doing the prep work the flapper sander i was using on my rotozip caught on my shirt and snapped the cable inside the cable attachment. so i am kind of at a stand still bc that is what i do all the prep work with
hey brando i have tried quite a few things for cleaning up all the burs and casting flaws and so far a flapper sander works the best on a dremel or whatever kinda rotaray tool. the one i have is 120 grit and it leaves no deep scratches. it polishes right up with no other prep work.
Lookin good so far. I don't have the patience to get something that shiny haha. I want to do my clutch cover soon and either paint or carbon fibre skin my stator cover.