my build my budget (cheap)

Where did you get your jets? I cant find any locally and I don't want to pay someone and then send them a message with sizes. I would just rather call and order them. No shops around me carry jets since everything is fuel injected.
So I have completed my heat cycles. Everything was still tight. My leak test was a bit of a pain. Lol. The expansion plug I got wouldn't seat right with the port on the exhaust. So I switched to the inner tuner method sealed right up. I did 2 test. First one lost about a pound of air in 5 min. Was leaking from the intake plug. I tightened it up the best I could and it still lost about half a pound from the same spot the second time.

I have full dg exhaust. I read somewhere they usally call for a 260 main. But with the port and I think I'm going to take the lid off so would 290 be a good starting point? I use injection still.
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The 290 with the lid off, running injection and the DG pipe is plenty big. Run a full tank of fuel through the fresh top end at no more than half throttle, then I would plug chop.
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My preferred method is to run two tanks of fuel at no more than 3/4 throttle.

That will let you get some good fast riding in, without getting on to the main jet, and still excerpt good pressure to the ring/cylinder to fully bed the rings.

It is possible to set the thumb throttle limiter so as to not exceed 3/4 throttle.
@BlasterFun484 thanks for the color addition 20150820_044600.jpg
Looks good. And the got my shock mounted too.

The 400ex shock should have no clearance issues correct? I had to trim some of my air box to get mine to fit. Anyone else have that trouble?


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