my blaster with some goodies....

May 14, 2007
Westtown, NY




lol yeah i know the carb is off cuz i broke my reeds.... getting some vforce for x-mas and prob gonna rebuild my carb or get a new one the floats stick every so often and idk y.... its keihin pj34., and dude i have no spacers those +3+1 asr a-arms and a gforce+4 axle, i had a 250r shock on but i didnt like the raised rear so i took it off...... looking for a used works one day ill just rock what i got for now
thanx i appreciate the compliments, now alls it needs is some nice works shocks or sumthing all around, and an extended swinger and itll be set cuz after christmas ill have my vforce3s and my aluminum airbox all in.... heck yea
haha im prob about 20 minutes from sussex nj how far are you from there freak? if not that far i should hook up with u guys and ride someimt cuz i have like no wheres around by me