My blaster starts but wont stay running

ok well thats good:)
are you using a 2 stroke oil that is suitable for injection?,,,cuz some of them say premix only?
if its not revving fully then it is going to look oilyo_O
i would find a compression gauge and do it if you cant figure it out,also can look up the exhaust for signes of piston/cylinder damage....and that my friend is free:D
got any pics of carb or carnage? it might help us help you
Are we talking about the outside of the plug or the inside where it sparks?

If inside you have a flooding problem or the idle setting is way too rich.

Maybe a filthy air filter or some blockage in the inlet ducting!
now we cant get it started. we tried push starting it and kickstarting it. Changed the oil, gas is good, and replaced the sparkplug. We testsed it to see if it had compression when kicked and it does. Brand new air filter in the right spot. Maybe the engine could be cold? its really cold here. Tried it with the choke as well. any suggestions will be gladly recieved.
and also i just realized that the oil we had had in it was the wrong type oil so we got it ALL out and put in the right kind of oil.
Did you use a compression tester, 100psi will feel good to the foot but it may not allow it to start.

What oil did you change and what to?

Do not be tempted to use a starting fluid.

Have you got a good spark?
Did you use a compression tester, 100psi will feel good to the foot but it may not allow it to start.

What oil did you change and what to?

Do not be tempted to use a starting fluid.

Have you got a good spark?
The compression was seemed ok, and we got a BRAND NEW spark plug properly gapped, and we had 2cycle non injector when we needed the injector 2cycle
You need to check it with a compression tester, if things don't work out from changing the oil, unless you can tell the difference in 100 and 110 psi with your foot
I had my blaster looked into by a mechanic, and he discovered that one of the previous owners had bored out the cylinders, and also drilled 26 holes in the air box. He thinks that dirt got into the cylinder through the holes and blew the engine. Now i have to decide whether I should put more money into this one to fix it.
Sounds like rebuild time, these things don't cost a lot to rebuild, just make sure whoever does it, does it right
It may not have been totally dirt that created the problem.

A non existent air filter would have created a very lean mixture, enough to fry the piston.