my blaster fully loaded

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you can all blow me!!!
yes this is my bike
did i put the money into this??? NO
ill admit tht
sponsers did
all i put into it was a 35mm carb and a.80 over
thts what got me started they put the rest in
im no expert on parts thts what my technicians are for
yeah i do
you ass whole
but hey thts fine if u dont beleive me and its pretty sad tht you have nothing better to do then to start sh*t over the net which you cannot back up
bro you need a girl!!! hahaha
yeah i do
you ass whole
but hey thts fine if u dont beleive me and its pretty sad tht you have nothing better to do then to start sh*t over the net which you cannot back up
bro you need a girl!!! hahaha

ok can you take some more pictures of this blaster you own?
maybe some upclose pictures of the a arms while on the bike
lets see that filter take off the seat and take a picture
can you get a picture of the carb up close ON the bike
how about the swingarm can you get a picture of that ON THIS BIKE
can you get me a picture of ur clutch cover ON THIS BIKE

how about that lets see more pictures. hell i dont care if they are on a camera phone i just want to see more pictures of "ur blaster fully loaded"
and by not posting more pictures you must admit you lied and post a thread apologizing to the entire forum about the fact that you lied to all of us.

if you do post more pictures of this EXACT bike *(not the slightest difference or ur lieing) i will admit i was wronge for ever doubting you and i will post a thread apologizing to you for ever doubting you.

so lets see em..
y dont u beleive its his, cause u dont got enough money to make a biek that nice? or cause ur not that good at riding? I dont got the money or skills to race like he must to get that sponsered? you have no f*cking reason to hate on him.
y dont u beleive its his, cause u dont got enough money to make a biek that nice? or cause ur not that good at riding? I dont got the money or skills to race like he must to get that sponsered? you have no f*cking reason to hate on him.

are you f*cking retarded?

read the entire thread before u stick up for a con artist

lets ask pitboss if he paid you to put ur blaster on PROJECT BLASTER
y dont u beleive its his, cause u dont got enough money to make a biek that nice? or cause ur not that good at riding? I dont got the money or skills to race like he must to get that sponsered? you have no f*cking reason to hate on him.
yeah, they do. The mods he listed were terribly wrong, and the yellow bike that's supposedly his brothers was taken at the same spot..
To All

first of all my dearest apologies
my teenage son and his friend took pics off of the internet of a nice blaster and posted them on here claimming it.
for any people that this caused controversy with i apologize from the bottom of my heart he has learned his lesson and i give yall my word he wont be doing it ever again.
if you have any concerns, questions, or problems.
dont feel timid to message me
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