Motor Revved very High/Won't crank

  • Thread starter Thread starter melissamays33
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I was at the track and all of the sudden the motor revved up real high. I shut it off and tried to crank it back up and it was still making the same noise. Now it will not crank. Does any one know what what's wrong.
I love how anytime something doesn't work somebody always talks about the TORS... funny stuff I know its crap but its not usually the miracle cure.
i agree with the above poster on the tors issue. its not the common fix all. as for the problem, its just as stated above. you sir have an air leak. its somewhere either on the motor side of the carb between the reed cage and carb. OR its in your lower head gasket where the jug meets the crank case. the easiest way to go about finding it is to pull the carb, manifold and reed cage out. clean them extremely good and inspect them VERY closely. sometimes there is an obvious crack in the rubber manifold. sometimes you cant see it unless you seal off one end and apply air pressure to the other end while submerging it in water. while you have it apart, it would be a great idea to inspect your reeds for any damage as well. look for frayed/cracked edges and replace them if they are not smooth on all sides.

Spray friggin' carb cleaner at the damn carb, if it surges then look for a leak. Don't piss away time 'cause you think something is bad, test it. As for the TORS, if it's still on, it will be guilty of killing the fun sooner or later, that's a fact.

I agree with Oldfart regarding spraying carb cleaner around the intake and reed cage area...this is the easiest way to determine air leaks.
yeah you are deffintily sucking air somewhere. on mine i was riding the trails and it revved really high and then i shut it off and i had to hold it wide open to start it again. well while i was lookin around i saw that i was missin a exhaust spring so i thought i might be suckin air through that but then i got it home and i saw that the tors stripped out a hole on top of the carb, it still ran but i had to run it wide open the whole time(not that i didnt anyways) and couldnt stop
tors stands for Throttle Override System, it incase your slide sticks open in the carb, if this happens it will shut it off automaticly, it is all electrical so i can cause problems if it senses something wrong
Thanks for all the help! I don't know much about working on them I just love to ride them. I'm going to let my brother know what ya'll said to do and have him try it. My throttle fills fine. It didn't get hung. Thanks again for all the help.
Generally its not the TORS box it is usually a mis-adjusted throttle cable but all will run again if you just unplug the TORS. I prefer to just adjust the throttle cable to the Specs listed in the service manual.