More trouble, please help!


New Member
Dec 12, 2010
Roanoke, VA
Its me again... so i got my blaster back together and everything was running like it should, however i didnt take it for a test spin until today when i was getting ready to load it on the truck so we could go riding. started fine, idled fine, everything was looking good and then it happened. I pulled the clutch, put it in first and let the clutch out and for some reason started going backwards! WTF!?!?!?!? Halfway through my backwards venture, it popped and blew the kick start side of the crankcase to also put a small(about 2 1/2") hole in the left side of the crankcase. If anyone has any reasonable explanation for this, please enlighten me! Girlfriend is pissed and looks like ill be sleeping on the couch tonight lmao. I know i have to buy a new crankcase set and more that likely rebuild the bottom end(good excuse for a +3 crank) but i just want to know what in the hell would make it do this and if anyone else has had this issue before!? Thanks in advance!
you obviously didnt tighten the flywheel tight enuf ?? and possibly the clutch too???
and it sheared the woodruff key, letting the flywheel rotate 180 degrees out, so it was sprarking at the exact wrong time, making the whole motor fire in reverse, as to why the clutch side blew will remain a mystery till you give us pics of the carnage


i'm gonna say the kicker gear caught while runnin backwards and thats what snapped it off,
prolly no tranny damage inside, but the case, kicker gear and possibly the gear it rides on will be needed

and also a woodruff key for the flywheel, and an impact wrench to tighten the nut, so this doesnt happen again
the only thing i could think would by while it was running backwards the kickstarter engaged somehow and then locked when it got to the end of it's rotation. then it had no where to go but off. just my guess.

note to self.... if blasty ever goes backwards turn it off imediately... that is some nasty carnage dude!!
Lol yes very true. I figured if it was going to blow then ill just let it. I'll be removing the motor later today so it'll be easier to put back together. I'm almost getting sick of working on it lol. I dog this thing once and start getting butt loads of trouble from it. Oh well thems the breaks I guess, if anyone has any other suggestions please let me know. I may go ahead and rebuild the motor while its apart. Thanks again guys
Yeah just buy a new motor , them cases are trashed and the crank where the woodruff key goes is probably chewed to hell .
Sorry for the trouble man that sux!!!!!
that is very possible to buy a running motor for less than all the parts needed for that seperately
put a want ad on here and check ebay/craigslist
Just wondering, it wouldn't have anything to do with the screw I placed in the line that used to run to the oil tank for the self mixer would it? It's on the far right of the first pic. I don't see how it could but never know.
no, nuthin to do with it, unless it was 6 inches long
Just wondering, it wouldn't have anything to do with the screw I placed in the line that used to run to the oil tank for the self mixer would it? It's on the far right of the first pic. I don't see how it could but never know.

nah its unlikely, if his top end seized then i would say that would be the culprit but i imagine he has it sealed up pretty good since the top end is still ok
Yeah the top end is still good, still turns over when the blaster is pushed hard when in gear, as well as all the gears still turn.
that really sucks man. probably going to find the woodruff key sheared. 15 cent part causing a lot of damage.....

buying a running motor will probably be the way to go like the others said. that really sucks
I hope that keys only 15 cent lol, I had a 99 civic si and the crank key for that thing to hold the crank pulley on was 8 bucks! I'll probably try to salvage what I have though. Nothing seems to be messed up other than the crankcase and prolly that key.