might be trading for atc and tri z

Jul 4, 2009
caledonia mn
i might be traddfing my blasy for a triz 250 and atc 250 he wants 4000 for both or trade for blaster or banshee to build for racing hehe well mines already built in motor and rear and guuy wanted pics so i sent them and im waiting for info and pics of the wheelers o and both are 85s
ima trade if the guy replys but i love quads but i can get at least 2 grand for the triz here and up too 3 for the atc lol and i can always trade them for a fourtrax 250 r and i love trikes too specially on ice
sounds cool but sketchy man........i dont think i have ever heard of someone wanting to trade a 250r or tri-z for a BLASTER. they must be piles of junk if thats what he wants
keep the quad blabbly blabbly....... lol... them trikes are worth more USED than a blaster sold for brand new!!!! stock beat up 250r trikes sell for 1600-2g here alday.. tri z's are harder to find and fetch about the same.....

quad more fun????? ride a 250 2 stroke 3 wheeler in a straight line just once balls out and you wont say that again lol.....

once you learn to throw them around and manupulate your body to work with the machine about the only thing thats gonna keep up with you on ice or trails is a trx250r..
sounds cool but sketchy man........i dont think i have ever heard of someone wanting to trade a 250r or tri-z for a BLASTER. they must be piles of junk if thats what he wants

i was thinkin the same thing.. if one of them is nice and the other not so muich its still worth it...
parts are avalable for both yet, ya just gotta know where to look
yea the guy said a blaster banshee or zilla or trx 250r he wants a quad to race he never has rode these theyve been sitting in his shed for the past long ass time and idk if he relizes what he can get and even if they are beet i dont care lol the tri z comes with a spare frame and the atc has holeshot style tyres i guess and is piped and im gonna tear em down and build them up lower and more stable ne ways specially since my gf wants the tri z
Id just sell your blaster and get a 450 quad. Three wheelers are fast in a straight line, on a mx track they get smoked, if you can find a track that will allow them.

thats the tri z ill get the r in a sec