
Here's a few basics for starters:

Change oil often
Clean & oil airfilter often
Keep carb clean & maintain correct float hieght
Maintain correct jetting for temp & elevation
Clean & oil chain after every ride
Burn up or drain excess fuel from carb bowl after every ride
Maintain fresh fuel properly pre-mixed
Fresh spark plug
Compression test
Leak-down test
Keep an eye on your reeds for wear & damage
Fresh spark plugs are always nice if they have been in there for a couple months of riding. Gas should not start to gum up over a month but it's a good precautionary measure to drain the carb if you know it's going to sit for a while.
yeah so why is it important to have a fresh spark plug and also is it bad if theres gas in the carb for to long or is it ok for like a month or so?

You want your motor to always have a strong spark. I don't foul many plugs, so I only change mine a couple times a year. But I'll bring a spare with me on the trail just in case.

A month isn't bad for gas in the tank, but the pre-mix will break down over that's as long as I'd go. I would never leave fuel in my bowl for more that a week or two max because it's not worth the headache of a fug'd up needle jet combined with varnish.
new to this forum...

So I'm putting a new piston in my sons blaster, reeds as well. What is the proper break in routine for a blaster? I'm putting in a 67.5... cuz it was on sale. I:I

Is it really that important to change out your jets depending on the temp? Seems like a PITA to do that couple times a year. I have the PE carb which I herd is easier to jet than the stock carb.

Also your saying to burn up the gas inside the carb after every ride? I thought only to do that when you know its going to sit for a while. Even so not burn out the gas but run some stabil through it. So your carb stays luburcated and no dry up but you also dont get tarnish gas.
Is it really that important to change out your jets depending on the temp? Seems like a PITA to do that couple times a year. I have the PE carb which I herd is easier to jet than the stock carb.

Also your saying to burn up the gas inside the carb after every ride? I thought only to do that when you know its going to sit for a while. Even so not burn out the gas but run some stabil through it. So your carb stays luburcated and no dry up but you also dont get tarnish gas.

Not as much of a pain in the ass as having to re-do your top end after it burns up........agreed? :p Only a plug chop will tell you if you need to rejet.....but typically every 2000' or 30 degree temp change will require a rejet.

I burn my carb fuel off everytime I put the quad away in my garage. It's just cheap insurance against carb problems.
Is it really that important to change out your jets depending on the temp? Seems like a PITA to do that couple times a year. I have the PE carb which I herd is easier to jet than the stock carb.

Also your saying to burn up the gas inside the carb after every ride? I thought only to do that when you know its going to sit for a while. Even so not burn out the gas but run some stabil through it. So your carb stays luburcated and no dry up but you also dont get tarnish gas.

Which is easier? Change a jet or rebuild an engine? 2s are more tempermental in reguards to jetting. They don't get a "rest" between power strokes like a 4s therefore the piston crown can run hotter. At "perfect" A/F ratio the exhaust exits at port opening @1200-1250*F, aluminum melts@ about 700*F. See the problem? As you go lean from "perfect" power doesn't drop off considerably, BUT exhaust temps rise rapidly :o.
Mikuni Pocket Tuner - If you look clsely you will see that for every 20*F change in temp you change one jet size so you make the choice.
So if you buy a stock blaster new from the dealer (way back when) they are going to tell you to change the jets for every 20* difference in temp. And most customers are not going to know how to do this so they are looking at alot of money to have the dealer take care of it. Seems exaggerating.
So if you buy a stock blaster new from the dealer (way back when) they are going to tell you to change the jets for every 20* difference in temp. And most customers are not going to know how to do this so they are looking at alot of money to have the dealer take care of it. Seems exaggerating.

The stock blaster comes with a 230 main for summer and a 240 main for winter. The dealer aint gonna tell you sh!t because they think you're a sucker. And if you have to rely on the dealer to wipe your ass every time you fart, then that's on you......not the dealer

Jetting your carb correctly for your conditions is just par for the course when owning a 2 stroke. And learning how to jet correctly is basic engine maintenance 101.