
Feb 28, 2010
Kailua-Kona, HI
picked up a pair of non running LT 80s

2 stroke bicheez lol. sorry, had too...


the 96 one needs a stroker kit :D (shaft is busted on the clutch side so no sense leaving things alone while I change the cluch shaft/crank shaft I may as well put a stroker in there. other than the FMF exhaust and front tires at all 4 corners it's stock. and I'll see if I can get it started the kids said it started yesterday probably needs a good carb cleaning...

the 04, woah, hm, dunno where to start on problems or mods. I still have them both in my truck so I gotta pull them out to try and get them cranking and clean the carbs and stuff... it has ITP wheels front and back, back has holeshots, it has aftermarket shocks all around, has an intake kit, boyesen dual stage reeds, big bore kit, wheel spacers, chain adjuster, oil pump delete kit w/block of plate. hm, not sure what else I need to go look again oh and FMF pipe as well (seems to be a popular entry level exhaust or something) piston I believe is wiesco looking at the stickers on the bike I can probably figure out more mods lol. as well as looking at the parts.

this one, the holeshots are flat, it's been sitting in the rain so will need major inspection/cleaning. the nerfs seem to be damaged and where u mount a grab bar it was yanked off and welded and broke again it appears as there's nothing back there til u get under the seat to the frame where the welds are on the ends of the pipes lol..

luckily for me, my buddy owns a mechanic shop and he happens to be into bikes so he can do the stroker kit stuff for me probably. he actually was saying it was easy trying to imply I should do it myself lol. but I'll just take it to him anyway rather than wait til I screw something up with it that could be ireversable damage... anyway, I got the pair for $450, I can almost garantee make one work so long the crank/lower half isn't seized on the 04 I can put the top on from the 96 provided the 04 top IS seized which I'm not sure of either being seized at this point but the kids said they started the 96 up yesterday... we'll see when my buddy comes by and we pull them out. I'll get pix then as well as an update if I could get the one started or what...
MOV04526.flv video by hawaiianbasshead - Photobucket

small rev vid. like the gurl said, it just needed help starting. but since it sat, the brake lines are all dry of lube :( so without work the brakes won't engage. love the smell of 2 stroke exhaust lol

started the other one up too. swapped plastics, the white one was originally the 96, but since it needs a clutch/crank shaft I figured put the nice plastics on the bike that will be running shortly I'll make a rev vid too. it's really loud tho lol. my kid thought it was like a dirtbike so he wasn't sure how to push the gas lol.



they both have aftermarket taller handlebars...




large round slide mikuni carb on the 04, not sure how big. do they measure the output to the mani as the carb size?


with the original plastics on, and the flat holeshots on the ITPs on the back. she was telling the truth I pumped the one that had a valvestem but they're like 16x6.5" tires I think they're fronts for like a 50cc atv :confused:

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Jack Moore. Don't matter what forum, he's the LT80 man. You're gonna have so much fun with those little wheelie machines. Great kid trainers.
Be sure to post updates as you build'em.
Here's ours playin in the driveway.
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so the smoke and noise sounds normal lol

I think I'll start with cleaning the clutch/pulley faces and casings out and see how they do. kinda loud for running in our neighborhood tho. the neighbors won't like it for sure... FMF pipe= loud... I emailed him about porting both or either of mine out. I know he's the porting LT80 guy ;) we'll see how much and how much of a difference it'll make. the big bore has a large mikuni roundslide carb, looks like twice as big as the stock one. I'll figure out how to measure for size and then I'll know what it is :D will do a plug test and check compression and stuff eventually too. for now at least they run...
well, no updates besides polishing the ITPs up on the 04...


ordered a set of front brake lines and a new throttle cable. hoping to ride one this weekend and see how it does.... will update then :D

oh, I also picked up a bottle of motorex and a mixing cup so I can try to run real oil in it and see what happens after the 1st tank of whatever it is runs out.

is 32:1 the mix ratio for any 2 stroke premix?