

New Member
Aug 19, 2009
central pa
I'm going to sell my blaster at the end of winter and get a lt250r and i have a few questions, im looking to get no less than 1000 for my blaster and i can find decent stock lt25r's for around 1500-1800 dollars, are these worth that extra 500-800 dollars more than a blaster, and what year would be the best to look for?
yea in reallynice condition they are that much, i can get fixer uppers for like 900 to 1100 but i wanna get a stock one in good condition and then start modding it how i want it
The 85-86 break frames where the front shocks bolt to the frame. 87-up have a different frame on the front end. They fixed the problem in 87 is what I'm trying to spit out.
no get a junky one for cheaper if you want to mod it....

But i wanna get one that runs and everything and is nice because im making a project of my other blaster over the summer and im jus gonna ride the lt and when im done with the blaster im gonna start the lt so if its stock i can mod it how i want and ride it while i rebuild my other blaster
The 85-86 break frames where the front shocks bolt to the frame. 87-up have a different frame on the front end. They fixed the problem in 87 is what I'm trying to spit out.

from what i hear they never fixed the problem and the whole front end is prone to breaking not just in the shocks mounts the aarms have been know to iv seen both and they both look like they can easly crack frames.. what are you looking for do you want the powervales? and 85-86 has an aluminum swingarm that likes to crack i have one on my 87 and none yet but im gonna brace it up.. i got mine for $1200 didnt really need anything just a good frame paintjob to get rid of the purple and a throttle cable mine like to idle kinda high but otherwise i would pay the extra over a blaster since suspension is alot better than a blaster they handle alot nicer to,,, mine flat tracks like a dream and i like the looks a bit better.. you will love the ltr 250r
the powervavle motor is better.. and ALL the swingarms are known for cracking the pivot tube on the swingarm.. i'll go into the other threads about lt250r's and retrive the info i've posted there and post it in here as well
the 85-86 swingarms also cracks where the square tubbing meets the big circle clamp that holds the axle carrier i have seen straps on top and bottom to fix this
I forgot about the swingarm on the early ones are junk. The one I'm working on for my buddy has a busted front frame and swingarm is broken at the pivot bolt and at the carrier.
idk about the 200 pounds comp
????????? what about it? it could very well have 200PSI compression.. i'm nto sayign thats a real good thing.. too much compression holds back higher RPM.. but there are alot of 250cc singles with 200lb compression
ohh...sorry never knew...hope the crank is welded or else it will go KABOOM !!!!! lol
not true.... single cyls usually push more compression like that.. hell my tecate 4 is a 295 big bore with 190PSI comp and has a factory crank in it.. never welded.. BOTH my big bore tecates are like that.. your thinking banshee sh*t dude.. a banshee with 200psi is a waste anyway.... dont; need more than 175-180 on a shee. even thats kinda high..
Alright thanks guys but im not driving to nj thats like 4 hours and im waiting until the winters over so i can fix up the blaster a little to get a little more money out of it, but this info is helpful i guess ill just get an aftermarket swinger wen i get the lt