yea its running good. theirs nice smooth throttle response and it idles back down smoothly. just theirs more of an aggressive sound to it. like its lounder. idk if its the carb or exhaust or combo of both but i like it
thats the safe way ....beleive me I have learned my lesson last main issue was my pilot running way rich, I was running a 152 main and a 48 pilot on a stock topend PJ34
yea i dont want nothing to happen to my blasty thats forsure. is their 2 idle adjustments on a keihin carb? i seen one on the choke turn it left and right and an air screw on the air filter side of the carb??
oh sweet. i just got my jug ported about 3 weeks ago. it was ported for low to mid range. and i think i got a good deal on my exhaust carb and reeds with reed cage for only 150 bucks
right on just a heads up keep an eye out for a B1 toomey you will see more power and response....fmf works but you'll never go back with the toomey IMO
i am a novice by no means take what I say in stone I am learning as I go with my own blasty ........leak down tests are a must and plug chops LOL my hard headed ass have been through some topends LMFAO