lights and underglow

yo and can someone get picks of under the front plastic I dont no which wires are the lights cause i bought it with out lights
its not voltage that changes, it will remain 12 (voltage fluctuates with rpm).

Think of the voltage as a 5 gallon bucket, inside the bucket you have watts (55) for the sake of simplicty here we will say watts and amps are the same thing..they are not watts/volts=amps so a blaster can push 55 watts at 12 volts = aprox 4.5 amps..anyways before I confuse you..

the 5 gallon bucket is the voltage, inside it you have watts or amps, the headlight takes so many watts out of the bucket, the taillight takes so many watts out of the bucket.. you can only take 55 watts out of the bucket and then it's empty. if you try and take more watts out than the bucket running 80 watts of lights, the bucket can only give 55, but the bucket realizes you are trying to take extra, this upsets the bucket and the bucket gets hot. if you get the bucket to hot to many times it melts, ten it has a hole, and cant provide any watts and you have to buy a new stator because you melted the old one

Another great post!
Just stick a battery under your seat and straight wire the lights to it. If you want put a switch in on the ground wire and you can turn them on and off.
put alawn tractor battery under the seat and une your lights to it.. granted you will have to charge the battery before each stuntin session but its the easyest way..

and fyi blaster folks.. i stuntin quad is one of them blasters we get to buy really really realy cheap cuz sh*t normally fkd up like fenders and bars and bumpers and what not..
i swear if u put the positive to the tip of the plug and the negative to the bottom them it will work though you have to put a resistor in as the more you rev the more energy the spark plug produces i will do a how to on this when im finish with my wheels