can i have pics of the rear skid plate? is it the stock thing or is it an aftermarket? i'm interested.
and how much for the blue plastics if u still have them
no need to start a war here guys, but anyway, got any aluminum front rims w out tires?
Blastermaster i appericiate the reply I am going to hold off on the cylinder, and get mine ported professionally by flotekperformance - Home Thanks again for your reply
sorry! i was refering to the exaust side of the head, SOMETIMES THEY ARE POLISHED so carbon wont buildup. and the bottom of the cylinder will show the transfer ports, this is where the mixture transfers into the combution chamber.those should be ported also. looks like he did a good job. what carb did u run on there? looks really nice
well heres the set of mud lites with rims so you can get a visual
what kind of piston is that? because if its anything other than weisco i cant buy the set up from u for 100$ i would just throw it away and i have 2 heads sitting here. i have some one i can get a 240 cylinder and head for 125 shipped. just let me know