kx250 blaster build!!

Dan Thompson

New Member
Dec 25, 2010
Durham, UK
ok so ive finally got round to building my spare frame into a kx250 blaster today ive built my engine up, got the swingarm engine mount done, front engine mount done (just needs welding) and get most of the exhaust done ( hardly anything needed doing) i have some pictures but wont let me upload so i will try in a little while
I have the same problem and it sucks. Other forums work with my computer pics but not on here. I don't think its the size cause I know a few people with huge pics..... That bike is going to be a sick...
I have the same problem and it sucks. Other forums work with my computer pics but not on here. I don't think its the size cause I know a few people with huge pics..... That bike is going to be a sick...

yeah it really annoys me but i cant sort it out and thanks I:I
reinforce the welds is ur best bet and throw in some braces and gusset the frame, which makes it sturdier and looks good at the same time
More pictures Dan!
I'm doing the same thing with a KTM engine.
Mine is running and I've had it out for a blast-or-two.
Vibes on the MX motor are not much worse than the 200, even with the balancer.
Just make sure you have all 3 bottom mounts hooked up and don't cut tubes if you don't have to.
Be careful with your welds too. Several spot welds are easier on the frame than a long weld.

Send more pictures! Even by photobucket.
Yeah ive looked at yours its sick, i have had to cut a tube out for the exhaust as it is a very comlicated exhaust, will get some over work done tonight when i get some more work done!!!




thanks alot for putting the pictures on!!!! have some rep :p haha and i dont plan to put the tube in as such but that part will be strengthened alot to make up for it