kick starter issue


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
I just recently bought an 01 blaster and the kickstart does nothing. sometimes it will turn engine over but mostly dont. i took the side cover off the engine and all the gears look fine. i tried putting it back it worked two or three kicks then did the same thing. so i looked at the idler gear i guess it is what it is called and the engine itself has a crack above it. will that cause this problem. i am new to this and off to a bad start
when you took the side off did you coil the spring arround till it got tight and the pit it into that tiny hole at arround the 11oclock position. it shouldent be break off tight just enough to make you cuss if it falls out while putting the cover on I did this few times and my stiff kick came back to start up 1or 2nd kick instead of the 9th
i just put spring in hole and twisted it around till it went in the tiny hole . then put cover on it work two times then went back to not doing anything it was just a kick spinning nothin but kickstart always came back up like spring was working just never turn engine over
if it still dosent then you may need a new spring I'm confused because that should have worked. wait you have to twist it arround then put it in the hole not the other way. try that if it still dosent then you may need that new spring
i put the spring in the hole on shaft then spun it and put it in case. put it back together and it work two times then it goes back to spinning air but the kickstarter alway comes back up like spring is working. the idler gear which is gear that when u kick start it comes out and spins has a crack in the housing. i wonder if thats my hole problem. its causing the idler gear to move maybe and un lining the kickstarter gear
pics of the crack would help but if you have to take the gear out and move a notch or 2. but you have to take the spring and twist it till it gets tight then slip it in the hole you cant put it in the hole then twist it in and put cover on it's a pain but it works unless thats what youve been doing
This is crack on idler gear


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yes all springs are rite but the idler gear is got crack is that my problem. any one have a cheaap casing. never took one apart but i going to try when i get a part. a new one is to expensive
I had a problem getting the spring on the kicker to stay in the right place, it liked to slide off easly, but once it was on, it was good
i get the spring on with no problem and the cover back on and bolted but after two cranks it quits turning over engine. the spring still works cause the kickstart still comes baack up even when this happens . that crack scares me it cant be good.
kickstart gear doesn't align with idler until it is kicked and the kicker gear rotates out to match it
Yea I know that I guess what I trying to say is why does it catch the idler gear two or three kicks then doesn't
Yea I know that I guess what I trying to say is why does it catch the idler gear two or three kicks then doesn't

sounds like the internal plastic pieces in their have worn out ?...time for a new/used one.
Are u talking about the plastic bushing that slides on kickstarter shaft and hooks to spring

i don't know, been a while since i fooled with one, i remember some white plastic pieces looked bad on the last one i changed out for another used one...solved the problem