Im gonna get pics soon the kid says it has a blow head gasket and he drained all the anitfreeze do you think its a good idea to start it for a second
dude i know you are very excited to start it, but dont. fix the head gasket and put antifreeze in it, in fact if you have the money just replace the top end. i can do one on a kx250 in 2 hours so it should be easier on a 85.
okay this is what he said what happen he said he put a new topend didnt tighten it down enogh he thinks the head he didnt read the maunel how much torque specs and he said then anitfrezze was leaking outta the side so he drained it all
hopefully he dident warp the head. but did you buy it already?
dosent look bad just fix it and rip it uppp!
i like it!!!! i realllly need a dirtbike
I got the cr85 running