just curious about banning

im not sure how but at some time that cylinder came up in conversation with kenndy and he offered to buy it to use as a platform for one of his draggers, so i sold that junk to him and bought my beloved flotek cylinder. kinda sounds liek the same cylinder..... but i dunno.....
I've been wondering that myself ever since the sh*t hit the fan..... He also got a hold of another memebers flotek build 240....

Guess it doesn't matter now because its all in the past ( and thats where it needs to be )
settle down old man, u aint going no where lol

thanx for the support too bro, but i know i aint goin anywhere, that was rayns idea, i've been down this trail before, cant you see my roost marks !!!

this sh*t just pisses me off, the man has clearly ripped people off on here, but some of us just insist on promoting him, instead of banning him, ????? and in my book that gets a big ....WTF !!!!!!!!!

if i ever ripped anyone off on here, or didnt stand behind my products,
i'd be down the road
:-/ <<<<< who's that, the king of porting himself ?????
more like...................
i dont have the time to tell you how i really feel about someone who would try to nikaseal/chrome plate a blaster cylinder, because he overbored it, then pass that off to one of our members on here, to try and race with it ???
only to have it fry after the first heat cycle, then tell the customer he did something wrong, and tuff luck, you just wasted a couple hundred dollars, but i got my money, to buy my kids cheeseburgers, xmas gifts, or even supply a drug habit ???,
and thats just one example of what i have first hand personal knowledge of on here, besides the clutch frying, jetting fiasco he was exposed of on psj.com

but yet every member on here with a blue name will tell us all different, is absolute BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it actually looks like they are promoting this type of business - versus protecting all of us members on here from it ????

am i gonna sit back, post popcorn eating smiley faces and allow one more member to not know about such scams, i dont think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

callin it like i see it ...since 1963

Awk, coming from a guy like you who wants his opinion on things to be known I do not see why you get upset when somebody makes an opinion of ther own. All I simply said was "I have a Kennedy built engine and it hauls ass!" I was simply stating my opinion on the engine that Angus built me. You like Ken O'Connor, Freek likes Flotek, that's fine we all have our preferences its not against the rules. I understand that you have whatever opinion on Kennedy and that is fine too but when people are just making general statements I see no reason for your responses? Do I think my engine is better than yours? I am not sure, I have never seen it run that is why you will NEVER see me sit here on this forum and say Flotek is better than Wildcard and Kennedy is better than Ken O'Connor or Ken O'Connors aggressive trail port is better than Flotek. I only will state what I know for sure when people ask. I get PMs all the time of people asking how I like Kennedys build, price, turn around time ect. I only tell them what I know and that is that Kennedy built me a nice engine, I love how it performs, he is helpful and friendly, his turn around time was good.and he offered fair prices. Sorry if you think that is so wrong. Me being "blue" has nothing to do with it either. I chose Kennedy before I was "blue" and will continue to support him now. He has never done me wrong so I am not going to sit there and act like he has. Maybe others are not happy with his work, that's fine they are allowed those opinions. One thing we all need to remember is that this is an internet forum. Whenever we send our beloved engines out for work and get them back and "something goes wrong" its all he said she said from there on out. The builder may tell you to run a 148 main because in there experience it works but it is up to YOU and you only to make sure it works properly. My brother (djack) and I have the EXACT same Kenndy builds and I run a 148 main and he runs a 150...why? Because we discovered that as much as something is "the same" it really isn't. Remember when it come to porting and building engines its a human doing it by hand. Nothing is the same. It may be close but not the same.

That is just my .O2 on the matter. I don't get why it has to be a big fight. We are all capable of making our own decisions and who we choose to build our engine for us is our choice. I don't ever recall Brandon from Wildcard holding a gun to my head and saying I had to get my cylinder ported by him. (He does GREAT work as well!)

As far as riding together Awk, come out to Cali, I hardly have time to ride much less make a trip to the east coast.

Side note: Did I get all of our fine builders names dropped in this rant for the free advertisement?

Another side note: kennedy is not paying me, nor bribing me, nor did he give a discount or any kind of "promotion" for the above stated. I paid full price for my bad ass Kennedy built engine!
thanx for the response cc, didnt realize you were in cali,
and sorry for the rant, and the fact that i took it upon myself to be "the voice" of those who have gotten very poor service from kennedy, but choose not to say anything, possibly for fear of infractions or bans because he has a banner at the top of the page, or they just except it and say..."oh well, money out the window, lesson learned",

instead...i choose to let it be a lesson learned for all my bro's on here,
if you told me you went riding yeterday and got 3 flat tires from nails on a certian trail, i'd be damn sure to scream at the top of my lungs
"do not ride that trail" !

same as if my buddy here, the mailman, tramped in something in a certain yard, i'd be damn sure to warn my other mailman bro, to "watch out",
you just might tramp in rottweiler doo-doo in that certain yard

it just still seems awful fishy that mr. kennedy has had problems, on and with customers, on at least 3 other forums he has purveyed his wares, even being banned from doing business on them, but this place seems to be an asylum for him to continue his "less than 100%" bullshit.
thats unacceptable to me

and speaking of "other builders on here", all of them......you have never seen me say, not even once, a bad word about any of them, even though ken oconnor is my chosen one, the rest all do awsome work that they stand behind 100%

also.....we have reveiw threads stickied for ...pipes, tires, pistons, ect. ect......maybe we should have one for builders ???
i'd bet it would be similar to what i preach ????

someone can close this thread anytime now, if one person heard what i said, and chooses his builder more wisely, my mission is accomplished
Awk, coming from a guy like you who wants his opinion on things to be known I do not see why you get upset when somebody makes an opinion of ther own. All I simply said was "I have a Kennedy built engine and it hauls ass!" I was simply stating my opinion on the engine that Angus built me. You like Ken O'Connor, Freek likes Flotek, that's fine we all have our preferences its not against the rules. I understand that you have whatever opinion on Kennedy and that is fine too but when people are just making general statements I see no reason for your responses? Do I think my engine is better than yours? I am not sure, I have never seen it run that is why you will NEVER see me sit here on this forum and say Flotek is better than Wildcard and Kennedy is better than Ken O'Connor or Ken O'Connors aggressive trail port is better than Flotek. I only will state what I know for sure when people ask. I get PMs all the time of people asking how I like Kennedys build, price, turn around time ect. I only tell them what I know and that is that Kennedy built me a nice engine, I love how it performs, he is helpful and friendly, his turn around time was good.and he offered fair prices. Sorry if you think that is so wrong. Me being "blue" has nothing to do with it either. I chose Kennedy before I was "blue" and will continue to support him now. He has never done me wrong so I am not going to sit there and act like he has. Maybe others are not happy with his work, that's fine they are allowed those opinions. One thing we all need to remember is that this is an internet forum. Whenever we send our beloved engines out for work and get them back and "something goes wrong" its all he said she said from there on out. The builder may tell you to run a 148 main because in there experience it works but it is up to YOU and you only to make sure it works properly. My brother (djack) and I have the EXACT same Kenndy builds and I run a 148 main and he runs a 150...why? Because we discovered that as much as something is "the same" it really isn't. Remember when it come to porting and building engines its a human doing it by hand. Nothing is the same. It may be close but not the same.

That is just my .O2 on the matter. I don't get why it has to be a big fight. We are all capable of making our own decisions and who we choose to build our engine for us is our choice. I don't ever recall Brandon from Wildcard holding a gun to my head and saying I had to get my cylinder ported by him. (He does GREAT work as well!)

As far as riding together Awk, come out to Cali, I hardly have time to ride much less make a trip to the east coast.

Side note: Did I get all of our fine builders names dropped in this rant for the free advertisement?

Another side note: kennedy is not paying me, nor bribing me, nor did he give a discount or any kind of "promotion" for the above stated. I paid full price for my bad ass Kennedy built engine!

Kennedy did good work on my cylinder. I watched him do the porting on it. I'm stopping by his shop on my next trip to Silver Lake. We're going to change a few things and get my LT over 70hp. He is going to let me use a big carb for the weekend and run meth.
Kennedy did good work on my cylinder. I watched him do the porting on it. I'm stopping by his shop on my next trip to Silver Lake. We're going to change a few things and get my LT over 70hp. He is going to let me use a big carb for the weekend and run meth.

keep an eye on the clutch handle while he does the dyno run, not the screen, you can see the printout when its done, or has he already sold you a clutch, which somehow wasnt slipping before you arrived ???
but he miraculously had in stock ???????