just bought my first banshee need advice

As to jetting, it's best to change one thing at a time. Use the 30 pilots, it should help with starting. Then after you get air screw adjusted see how it runs and or plug chop or "read" the plugs. My son's 'shee has FMF "Signature" pipes (early fatties) 310 main 27.5P, 70+*, high humidity, 1000' elev. Might be tad rich but it's better to leave a horse or two in the barn than to leave a hole in your piston:o Try the 320 again, does it not run good with it? Go down one size at a time.

so i changed the pilot jet and cleaned the carbs again before i installed them and the bike seemed to start up between the first and third kick while the bike is cold. after riding it for about an hour i stalled it and i wouldnt start back up again. i had to bump start it to get it going and drove it home. when i got home i put in in neutral and it idled for a minute and died and would start back up. i noticed that the big screw on the side of the left carb came out a lil bit so i figured that is why is didnt idle when i got home cause it was idleing fine while i was out riding taking cig breaks. so i put the screw back in and it still wouldnt start. do you think this could be a coil problem? it starts fine when cold but as soon as it is warmed up you cant kick start it. im kinda getting tired of taking this quad apart. i think i might bring it to the shop if i cant figure out what it is. i feel like the carbs are flooding when i turn it off. when i took the carb apart this morning a bunch of gas poured out of the carbs. the floats are good the pilot is a 30 the main is still at 320. could the main be too big causing the bike to act like this?i need more trouble shooting help please!