
you just got to get out there and try it...

if you are nose down, pin the throttle. if you are nose high, hit the back brakes.
and it is better to over jump a jump, than it is to under jump it.
start with a small jump and once you feel confident with that, move to a bigger jump. Before you know it, you'll be clearing 20' doubles with ease. Anything bigger then that and you might want to upgrade to some better suspension
you just got to get out there and try it...

if you are nose down, pin the throttle. if you are nose high, hit the back brakes.
and it is better to over jump a jump, than it is to under jump it.
ya one time when i used to ride a little lt80 i was goin over some moguls and i tried to jump one and came up short on the next mogul and it bounced me off so hard over the handle bars lol.
i would start out with a table top. then i would move on to more of a double with a rolled off landing. pretty much what they say just pin it. check the jump out then if its a table hit it soft at first and keep going until you get your judgement down. also you can put the front end down by pushing down on the bars if needed.
Thats the problem...I dont have back brakes.

if you launch nose up just lean forward, like so...

dude the only thing i would watch after u get the jumping dwn is the chain make sure u have enough slack so u dnt break a chain or something when the suspension is tightened
I started with table tops...started hitting them in second gear...then third....then fourth..and thats where im at now.....I dont really feel the urge to hit a jump pegged in fifth.
in that case yea u do case lemme tell ya u better suck ure balls in when ure hittin a triple and just gun it cause if u dont u re gunna land in the middle and that sh*t f*ckin sucks

hmmm landing in the middle of a tripple = double... lol. sucks so bad. you should be ashamed of yourself for just hitting the double. ;)