jetting on a DG exhuast


New Member
Jul 5, 2012
East Haven,Ct
hi guys i just installed a dg exhuast and need to know whats up with the jets? so i bought the quad and it had a 220 jet in there with the stock pipe that is all i changed was the pipe but the jets say AB220 so i installed the DG i went out and bought a AB240 and AB260 do i need to change any other jets or jut that one main jet? what is recommended
Is your airbox lid still on? If so, a 240 main jet is plenty. If you have taken the airbox lid off (Id recommend doing so...for more power), run a 260 main jet with your mods.
I've got a full DG, K&N filter with air box lid off. The rest is OEM stock, including TORS. I'm running a 280 main, stock pilot and needle is in the middle. I'm at about 1350' asl.
Is your airbox lid still on? If so, a 240 main jet is plenty. If you have taken the airbox lid off (Id recommend doing so...for more power), run a 260 main jet with your mods.

what is the air box lid just the cover under your seat ? the goes over the ir filter? i am also at 23 above sea level