is this worth it?

Depends what your looking for in the bike. If its speed and anything to do with racing or mx then no. Its a good bike to just cruise around on i guess.
I rode one before I bought my blaster it wasn't too bad just not as zippy as a blaster. The guy that had it owns an atv race shop, and tells me that they are as fast if not faster than a 300ex. His reasoning was they dropped the compression on the 300ex to help with the electric start. I dont know for sure if its true though. Overall for a 12 year old I think it would be a great starter bike although the price may be just a little bit high. I would try offering 800-850 and see how that goes.
my friend has one and they are pretty much the same as if not better than the 300ex if im correct the 300 just is a bigger bored cylinder. there is a pretty nice aftermarket following for them so you can upgrade it pretty nicely. im not quite sure but i believe that they make a 400 or something cc big bore kit for them
I rode one before I bought my blaster it wasn't too bad just not as zippy as a blaster. The guy that had it owns an atv race shop, and tells me that they are as fast if not faster than a 300ex. His reasoning was they dropped the compression on the 300ex to help with the electric start. I dont know for sure if its true though. Overall for a 12 year old I think it would be a great starter bike although the price may be just a little bit high. I would try offering 800-850 and see how that goes.

+1 for u and 14!!!
my friend has one and they are pretty much the same as if not better than the 300ex if im correct the 300 just is a bigger bored cylinder. there is a pretty nice aftermarket following for them so you can upgrade it pretty nicely. im not quite sure but i believe that they make a 400 or something cc big bore kit for them

they make a ported 352cc that hauls
i owned one.. absolutly loved it!! brakes and suspension are 100 times better than a blaster.. mine had 300 bb kit, bigger cam, 400ex carb, uni filter, drilled lid and fmf performax exhaust....walked away from my buddys lt250r ( my blaster ran side by side with the lt) he couldnt touch me tell i let off lol
that 250 looks like it has an aluminum bat for a muffler and he cut the fender up for some reason.. but a 12 year old think back to when you were that age did you care what you rode? i would for my cousin
i wouldnt mind riding around on that 250 even though its a four stroke.. when i was 12 i had a ttr 90 and didnt care it did wheelies went fast enough and i could shift i was a pig in sh*t haha.. but ya talk him down a $100 or so
My friend has a 2006 250ex and I like it. They have good all around power and they have some speed. Just not as fast as a blaster.
Ithink he would love it. Great startn place. You don't want something to powerful to start off with. Would b great ao he can learn the ropes. Just cause there not fast straight line dosent mean it wouldn't b good for trail rides.

My blaster is only 6 seconds behind my buddies yfz450 in r time trial on r trails. The only reason y he beats me cause there r 3 flat straightsthat he pulls away from me other then that I can pretty much keep up.

Have fun with it he'll love it. :)