so after riding it on a track for a long peroid of time and its really hot if i turn it off it takes like 10 kicks to get it started up is that normal when there really hot
hmmmmm. Mine starts easier when it's hot. Have you measured the compression with it hot? It's possible that the rings are worn and the sleeve stays hot while the piston cools down relatively quickly. Is it really easy to kick over those 10 times?
no its the same comprsseion feeling when kicking it over it just takes more kicks. if i run it down the road and get it warm it will start one kick. it only is hard to start when riding upward to 30 min in hot weather
It COULD be a fault in the electrical system that hasn't gotten bad enough to actually cause a total non start issue. Perhaps you need to warm it up thoroughly and just check all of the electrical components against their stated values in the service manual.
How are you trying to start it when it's hot? Do you give it gas? Do you hold it wide open? Do you choke it? I never give mine any gas before I start. If it doesn't start after 2 kicks, I usually forgot to turn the key on.
Oh boys, are you right! I had a 450 that could be a pig after a spill.
Most 2 strokes fire off as nice as can be when warm and set up right.
Sounds a lot like flooding, doesn't it?
Guessing the pilot jet is stock, so I'd guess idle jet adjustment or float level.
Might even be a bad float needle valve?
Could be the other way too, lean? Still check those things ^^ but a leak test and checking your reeds might be in order.