interest in a 'blaster of the year'??


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
im light of the botm dead thread, a few of us regular memebers have decided to offer up a blaster of the year award ( granted if this is ok with cbaber since its his site) this will cost nothing from his pocket or any of the entrys...

basicly its as simple as this.. we will be taken all the winners from blaster of the month for the whole year, start a poll with every winners name on it and you vote for your favorite...

and the winner will win some goodies from a few of us. so far my self, luquidsoul and blasterfreek have offerd up some parts. it will be new parts or custom made ( blasterfreek) parts, and could be some good condition used parts also..
We are still working out all the fine details

as of right now i am looking for someone good with photoshop that can make the winners banner, the winner will get a banner made to put in there sig that says blaster forum 2009 blaster of the year with there machine on it

and possibley a few other members to offer up some parts for the winner.

so come january the winners of botm will be polled and voted on.. and the winner gets the sig picture and a few boxes of goodies that they are free to do what ever with, use the parts, or sell them to fund something you really want or need for your machine.

like i said were still working out the fine details but were on the right track

do you guys like this idea??? it will cost cbaber nothing out of his pocket nor the admins or mebers ( except members donating parts) or time for the sig banner. i my self and donating parts and even paying the shippin so it will cost the winner nothing at all ether.....

we are doing this to get more interest in people entering botm.. even though past winners have not recieved there sticker you still have the chance to make out good at the end of the year

so far we have my self,
good idea, but before any of this, we need to get straight BOTM and atleast offer something to the winners in each month. Atleast a banner under their name that says for example : February Blaster Of The Month
sounds pretty good but the people winning already have heavly moded blaster so i dont think they need parts we need a more fair botm or year so everyone has a chance but i dont think its possible unless we has diff classes and stuff
I couldnt agree more on the banner under the name......for each months winner......alot of credit that needs to be shown for the members hard work on the blastys
and i have thought about that... my self and the other two idea men in this will do a voting among out selfs after the poll we start ends..

we will be looking at a few diff things... looks, satefy, functionality looks and price... we will look at all aspects of the machines we went it fair for everyone so your machine has to perform as good as it looks along with not having more into it than they sold for new... we got it all working out man
freek... good idea...

if anyone can offer some of there free time online to make up some little banners for the botm winners to dispay in there sig pic or avitar that would be great...

maybe just a yamaha logo with blaster of the month may 2009... something like that??
i also agree its tough for guys that dont have heavily modded rides to enter and have a i think it would be cool to have alt. themed, best stock most modded, least modded, cleanest, dirtiest ect mabe a drag blasty 1 month........ theres lotsa things we can do
the options on what we can do are endless and we will try to make this apeal to everyone and give everyone a chance!!!

look at my old blaster it was sick!!!! and i had under 900 in it including purchase price

allll used parts and some creativity with a rattle can paint job!!
maybe we could also have some sort of prize for the people who dont necesarilly have a lot of money to spend on their quads? kind of like a blasterforum charity?
dont worry guys... thoughs of us that can will do what we can to try and make everyone enjoy this... and

if anyone is good with photo shop pm me so we can talk.. im looking for someone to do the boty sig banner and also someone to come up with some ideas to make up for our past botm winners..

all submitions for the boty banner and botm banners will be decided on between blasterfrek liquidsoul and my self
dont worry guys... thoughs of us that can will do what we can to try and make everyone enjoy this... and

if anyone is good with photo shop pm me so we can talk.. im looking for someone to do the boty sig banner and also someone to come up with some ideas to make up for our past botm winners..

all submitions for the boty banner and botm banners will be decided on between blasterfrek liquidsoul and my self

not too sound like a dick but why just you guys, why not make a poll?
ready back to my first post in this thread.. i stated looking for other to get involved and help... pretty much anyone that wants to donate parts or time for photo shop can be involved in organizing this and making this work... i just stated so far me blasterfreek and liquidsoul... any one is welcome to help out
the idea is all good and well but for me it wont work
whats the point in giving parts to someone who has won it with a blaster without an original part on it?
everyone votes for the coolest most modded blasty but what about the people without the funds to create fully dragged-out/mx ready blasters that everyone will vote for?