interest in a 'blaster of the year'??

the idea is all good and well but for me it wont work
whats the point in giving parts to someone who has won it with a blaster without an original part on it?
everyone votes for the coolest most modded blasty but what about the people without the funds to create fully dragged-out/mx ready blasters that everyone will vote for?

thats why you need to read all the posts,were thinking about having other catagories also for the ppl that do not have the budget to go balls out on a build. I mean im one of them,im on a budget but im doing what i can. This all still in the works and were thinking about improving the idea,this is the reason why 4ced created the thread.
pm replyed 01blaster......

exactly.. i never limited the 'help to us three' i was just stating thats whos involved so far. im just taking the effort to help get this going. the more supporters to this the better, like isaid were donating parts to the winner.. kinda like a raffle/door prize so far it seems we got a few items coverd all ready so well see how the turn out comes
ya it would be a great idea! but it would be in the best interest i think to make catagories so everyone would atleast have a chance to enter
what im thinkin for the blaster of the year is.. everyone has 2 options to enter this year yet.. this gives 4-8 pay checks to make your blaster 'pop' hell polish some stuff its cheap.. or paint some stuff thats cheap also... me personally il be looking at the creativity to make your blaster one of a kind
thats why you need to read all the posts,were thinking about having other catagories also for the ppl that do not have the budget to go balls out on a build. I mean im one of them,im on a budget but im doing what i can. This all still in the works and were thinking about improving the idea,this is the reason why 4ced created the thread.

yeah dumbass move on my part i didnt see the other posts,thats what i was thinking with the other catagories,hopefully we get more volenteers but im a bit much for shipping to the us and i havent got photoshop anymore :(
we should have like heavily modded catogories,medium modded catogrries,and light modded catogories that anyone can join..i mean there would be no chance for me to win so yeah i say catogories!