Intake Question


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
New York
Instead of using the airbox i see that people have just been putting air filters on their carbs which is what i wanna do but i was wondering do you need a special adaptor or anything ?

Thanks Guys!I:I
if ur riding inreal dirty or dusty conditions, iwould not recomend a clamp on filter, they r good for guys who race 3x a month and then rebuild their motors, but i woud try an aftermarket airbox for better airflow. the stock airbox and boot is ajoke! its very restrictive, basically thats why airbox lids are removed. let that blaster breath!
no man, motors just take more abuse while racing thats why they rebuild all the time, im just saying that, with a clamp on filter its more prone to sucking in dirt dust anything that ur motor dosent agree with. just look at the amount of sh*t on ur airfilter after a normal month of riding, would u want that sh*t even closer to ur carb!
can you look in the general support section and look at my "wont start" section im still having problems and nobodys helping me and i have no idea what it is