Im so pissed!!!!


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
So my shee parts should of been here on thursday or wensday but guess what they where check in at are post office not until friday at 8:53 an then went out on delivery. I:I Then guess what. i live 3 miles away from the post office an now the f*cking parts are lost. they dont know where they put them or anything. :-/ the guy said he delivered them but he thinks he might of deliveried them to the wrong house. WTF X( So now there trying to find the parts instead of them getting me anoth new set thatll take 2 more f*ckin weeks to get. AHHHHHHHHHHH. im just so damn pissed
yea, i'm the ame here, exept its fed ex who can't find my house, the deliver it to a house on the other side of the highway near my house, and its not even the right address!!! sorry to hear about your parts but if you don't get tthem i'd be freakin fightin the stupid post office all the way to get me new parts, some people need to pull their head from thy anus, eh.
yeah....usps sucks they did the same thing with my street bike parts they went out for delivery and never made it to my house i had to speak to a manager and all,like two weeks went by and all they kept saying was that they were looking into it... i end up buying the parts again and like a month or so later it showed up after i bought the parts i try to buy parts from ppl that uses ups for delivery
well i talk to the post office an they said that the packed i was talking about wasnt the same one that the delivery guy took to the wrong house. i guess my package supposably never showed up yet. so i told them hey heres the tracking number where its gonna b delivered an yada yada yada...... so they said there gonna look into it an see how come it says its there but its not. so now im back to stage one. ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
wow that sucks dude... the dude i bought those parts from on ebay shipped em through usps and its been a week and a half and still no parts........
damn thats a long time. im hopeing i dont have to wait that long i was hopein to have it running by thanksgiving but from the way everything is going now it wont :( im so bumed
well guys the post office finally found my f*cking shee parts. There all the way down in flordia. how the f*ck do they mix up IA for FL. thats a long ways away from there suppost to be shipped. so they have to reship them now back here an said its on the slow burner for it 2 be done. im like what WTF???? ahhhh i was so pissed.