Illegal Immigration.

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Yes someone is murder every 27 min and a girl is raped every 3 min. And to think south africa were one of the finest countries in the world with alot of great minds and people. Just like in Zim alot of productive farm are being "bought" and given to people who are not farmers, now just a week ago farm animals are dying of hunger because the new owners used all the money given to them to farm on new cars and parties
Posted from - just some slight reading to shed light on this situation.

Congress has fought bitterly for years over whether to allow oil companies access to the Alaska refuge's 1.5 million-acre coastal plain, a habitat for seabirds, caribou, and polar bears. Oil company executives, called to Capitol Hill for a grilling over high oil prices, pointed to the untapped resources of ANWR and off the U.S. coastlines as evidence that Congress was as much to blame for the tight global supplies of crude as the petroleum industry.

But the U.S. Energy Information Administration, an independent statistical agency within the Department of Energy, concluded that new oil from ANWR would lower the world price of oil by no more than $1.44 per barrel—and possibly have as little effect as 41 cents per barrel—and would have its largest impact nearly 20 years from now if Congress voted to open the refuge today. EIA produced the analysis in response to a request by Republican Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska, who noted that the last time the agency had taken a look at the economics of ANWR production was in 2000, when oil was $22.04 a barrel.

Higher world oil prices don't necessarily mean that oil companies could pull more crude out of ANWR, the EIA said. Some advanced methods of extraction may be limited by the features of the Alaska North Slope; for example, steam injection could endanger some of the permafrost, the EIA noted.

The agency pointed out, however, that higher prices would make it more attractive to go after small fields that are near the larger fields that would be the first targets for development, and some advanced, expensive techniques of extraction could become more attractive in the later years if oil prices stay high.

However, EIA predicted these high-tech methods wouldn't have an impact until after 2030, beyond the horizon of the agency's forecast of the global energy situation.

So EIA assumed little change—and in fact, a slight decline—in ANWR's productive capacity since 2000, when it projected that the production in the refuge could reach 650,000 to 1.9 million barrels per day. In the new analysis, EIA says that production could range from 510,000 barrels to 1.45 million barrels per day.

If Congress approved development in 2008, it would take 10 years for oil production to commence, EIA said. With production starting, then, in 2018, EIA said the most likely scenario is that oil would peak at 780,000 barrels per day in 2027 and decline to 710,000 barrels per day in 2030. Currently, the United States consumes about 20 million barrels of oil per day.

EIA said its projection is that ANWR oil production would amount to 0.4 percent to 1.2 percent of total world oil consumption in 2030. The figure is low enough that OPEC could neutralize any price impact by decreasing supplies to match the additional production from Alaska, EIA noted.

New oil from Alaska would, however, reduce foreign oil dependence slightly, EIA said. With the United States currently on track to get 54 percent of its oil from overseas by 2030, EIA said, if ANWR were opened, the share of oil from foreign countries would drop to 48 percent in the best-case scenario or 52 percent if ANWR turns out to produce at the lower end of the range of projections. That would mean that U.S. spending on foreign oil between 2018 and 2030 would be reduced by $135 billion to $327 billion.
Maybe none that you do but there are plenty of educated liberals, and don't act like every republican has a legitimate reason for voting for mccain

you do realize that this oil would take years to hit the market, not to mention the fact that we could never compete with the middle east or Venezuela

It is people like you that are so ignorant. Not because you are republican, or think like a republican, and the same goes for democrats. Parties divided hold this country back, not help it move forward. Everything you say bad about obama, or whoever for that matter, a democrat find something about republicans and do the same thing you are doing.

Im sure some people voting for mccain dont know much about him. NOONE has a clue what obama is about.

You talk like obama is going to have us all running on natural gas and sunlight overnight. Obamas "plan" for energy independence will take 10 times longer than drilling for oil.

Moving this country towards socialism will break this country faster than anything. The less government the better.
man wats up with you an politics talk about your fukin r1 or something man damn something interesting all this causes is fights if you talk about a YAMAHA or anything i pretty sure it wouldnt cause FIGHTS on a BLASTERFORUM, o and i forgot im jus voicing my opinion do not attack me

You couldnt tell from the title that this was about politics?
ya mccain wanted to drill oil here but there is no way we could compete with the oil importing from the middle east, i think that we should put tarrifs on all the sh*t that we are exporting and to the companies that are relocating to other countries...there is tons of little sh*t that has been happening for the past 20 years and its just catching up with us now. Regardless of the candidate in office they are going to be tested to the fullest to try to unfuck what george w bush did for our country in the past 8 years

I deleted the name of the website I had but one of the major high-up guys at BP (Before Petrolium) guys got fired. He got fired because he released information to the press about north dakota (I believe it was north dakota) having enough oil for the us to run on for over 200 years including the rate of increased dependence. That doesnt include texas or alaska.
People, welcome to the "new south africa". Our borders with our good friends "Zimbabwe" is just a piece of chicken wire , no it is not a joke we have no way of knowing how many illegal aliens is in our country. In 1994 population stats were 5 million white people; 3million indian and asian and 30 million African. 15 years later we are 2.5 million white ; stil 3 million idian but almost 45 million africans,. There are more zimbabwiens in south africa than the white people. But who pays taxes to support field hospitals, feeding schemes. What to know were all the white folk went? More that 2 million could'nt find jobs (affermative action) left for UK, OZ, and NZ. Just over 500 000 people died in racial farm attacks

I feel your pain man. I live outside of detroit and murders are so common they usually dont even air them on the news anymore, so sad. Luckily our peice of sh*t ex-mayor kwame killpatrick is moving to dallas, tx.
I deleted the name of the website I had but one of the major high-up guys at BP (Before Petrolium) guys got fired. He got fired because he released information to the press about north dakota (I believe it was north dakota) having enough oil for the us to run on for over 200 years including the rate of increased dependence. That doesnt include texas or alaska.

no sh*t??? wow, if u stumble upon that site i would love to read about it
Im sure some people voting for mccain dont know much about him. NOONE has a clue what obama is about.

how could you even begin to know that, cause people you talk to do not know what he is about? how can you account for the other more than half of america that voted for him. you are correct, however, that it is ridiculous that people now think that they are saved because he is president, and that is not the truth at all. You watch the news and tons and tons of black people go on about how obama is going to save them from their tough lives. it is absurd
I think, actually i KNOW its complete bullshit that these dirty ass mexicans are jumping the border illegally and getting FREE, yes FREE medical, welfare and other sh*t. They dont have to pay for sh*t! Yet my parents bust there asses for my family to have a good life, and we dont get FREE sh*t. My parents work, and work hard, yet these pieces of sh*t jump the border and get to live a good life. Not to mention they f*cking drive around in Cadillacs and Escalades and sh*t. I dont give a rats ass if they "came to better there lives" i really dont care. If your coming over here, you work like we do, and you get the same sh*t we do. Your not going to come over into my f*cking country to be like a f*cking king! If i worked for border control, id have a big ass doge with a custom brush bar just to f*cking own those dirty pieces of sh*t!

But those "compassionate" liberals say "Oh, they are just trying to provide for their families". Well because of them (part of the reason) I cant afford to have a family. Thanks liberals.
I hate liberals!
So when we leave our parents house, to go get our own places the government doesnt give us FREE stuff! We work are way up.
I hate liberals!
So when we leave our parents house, to go get our own places the government doesnt give us FREE stuff! We work are way up.

Well raykwan the crackhead has to have his medicaid, so does tonya the woman with no job and 12 kids.

Cant forget about the social security thats been stolen from your parents over all these years. Itll now go to our neighbors to the south and all other illegals.

No wonder all the schools in detroit are broke, none of the kids parents pay their taxes! go figure! (illegals)

Interesting fact..... One of the elementry schools in detroit is so broke they only allow the children to have 1 square of toilet paper when they go to the bathroom.

this is the type of sh*t that pisses me right off, i bust my ass for what i have and i pay for my heathcare and yet all these f*cks that come into the country are getting this sh*t for wonder HC is through the roof we gotta pay for all those aholes

this is the type of sh*t that pisses me right off, i bust my ass for what i have and i pay for my heathcare and yet all these f*cks that come into the country are getting this sh*t for wonder HC is through the roof we gotta pay for all those aholes

Im getting the bumper sticker that says "Republican, because not everyone can be on welfare" LOL! I love it. No arguing with it either, if you collect welfare and vote, you vote democrat.
i couldnt agree with you guys more, if i was border patrol id have a REC 7 and just wait for people to try to come over, we should just make the mexican border fence eletric, and if they still want to try to come over let em, we wouldnt have to have people diving around in the middle of the desert then, might be a good idea I:I
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